Our extensive modern infrastructure means we can run a wide range of laboratory and pilot scale experiments, along with state- of-the-art analytics. Our extensive modern infrastructure means we can run a wide range of laboratory and pilot scale experiments, along with state- of-the-art analytics.
- Membrane test stands and test cells, acid-stable nanofiltration unit, membrane modification unit
- Various wastewater treatment plants, filtration plants, aerobic and anaerobic membrane bioreactors, neutralization plant
- Process Technology Centre (PTC) with wastewater treatment plant
- Ozone plant
- Ecotoxicological in vivo biotests: exposure analyses with algae, daphnia and fish; flow-through system for fish exposure; fish embryotoxicity, acute and chronic toxicity of invertebrates in online biomonitoring systems.
- In vitro ecotoxicological bioassays: bioassays, cell culture assays and gene expression analysis.
- 3D biofilm printing
- Molecular biology detection methods (quantitative PCR, next-generation sequencing platforms, electrophoresis)
- Biochemical methods (protein chromatog-raphy, Western blot, etc.)
- High-resolution chromatographic detection /chromatography and spectrometry for organic and inorganic analysis (LC, LC-OCD, QQQ and IonTrap LC-MSn, UPLC-QTOF, GC-MS, LC-QQ-ICP-MS, ICP-OES, NMR)
- Radioisotope analysis (14C and 3H, liquid scintillation, autoradiography, HPLC with liquid scintillation detector, sample oxidizer)
- Water chemical analysis and environmental analysis (sum parameters such as BOD5, COD, TP, TN, TOC, methane yield etc.)
- Microbiology lab (S2 work, flow cytometry, anaerobic glove box, multi-parallel bioreactors, etc.)
- Physical and chemical solid or surface characterization (µXRF, XRF, TOC, TGA, ESEM-EDX, etc.).
- Process piloting
- Process evaluation
- Ecotoxicological in vivo /in vitro effect studies
- Microbiome analysis
- Metabolism studies and degradation tests
- Metal speciation
- Enzyme characterization
- Risk assessment
- Sustainability assessment
- Life cycle assessment and cost-effectiveness analysis
- Environmental consulting for industry
- Training
- Contract analysis
Institute for Ecopreneurship
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Life Sciences,
Institute for Ecopreneurship
Hofackerstrasse 30
CH - 4132 Muttenz
- Telephone
- +41 61 228 60 75
- bWFyY28ucnVwcHJpY2hAZmhudy5jaA==