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Dorothea Sidow

Dorothea Sidow

Dorothea Sidow

Curriculum Vitae

Dorothea Sidow was born in Germany as the daughter of an actor and grew up in Switzerland.

After her studies in speech therapy, she came to Basel and specialised in the field of voice therapies. She soon came into contact with singers who inspired her great love of music and the artistic use of language in a professional context.

She expanded these interests in a master's degree in rhetoric, communication and speech training at the University of Regensburg, which she completed in 2012 with a master's thesis entitled "Sprecherziehung mit Gesangs- und Schauspielstudierenden, ein Unterrichtskonzept aus logopädischer Sicht". She then also took the final examination to become a DGSS speech therapist in Regensburg.

Dorothea Sidow has over 30 years of teaching experience: teaching assignments at the ISP Basel (speech therapy training), at the German Seminar of the University of Basel (oral communication), at the Gymnasium Liestal (breathing-, voice- and speech techniques) and one year at the Athanor Academy Burghausen (speech training with drama students). 2012 - 2024  she had a teaching position at the Musikhochschule Frankfurt am Main for students majoring in voice. From 2015 - 2020 she worked as a language coach at the Theater Basel (also opera studio), from 2020 as a language coach at the Staatsoper Hannover as well as at the opera studio there.

In 2021, she took up a 75% position as a lecturer responsible for speech training and speech art for students majoring in voice, music teaching and church music at the University of Music Freiburg im Breisgau.

She has also worked as a clinical speech therapist at the University Hospital Basel and, since 2022, at the University Geriatric Medicine Felix Platter. She has her own speech therapy practice for voice therapy and coaching.

Since 2000, she has held a teaching position at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis as a lecturer in speech training, voice care and speech coaching for students majoring in voice.