Electricity market 2.0
Regenerative energy production | Smart grid | Energy storage | System modelling | Project development
As a result of the promotion and increasing roll-out of renewable energies as well as liberalisation, the electricity market is undergoing a transformational process. We evaluate the technical, operational, ecological, economical and societal effects of these developments.
As part of the strategic initiative "Energy Chance", we are working together with other FHNW schools and external partners to set up a networked regional energy association that can give a picture of the situation regarding the 2035 energy market today. At that point in time, the proportion of fluctuating electricity production from sun and wind will be significantly higher than today's level, making the exchange price for electricity significantly more volatile. These fluctuations in electricity prices should be passed onto end customers so that their flexible loads are activated in times of production surpluses (demand side participation). The benefits of this concept are to be verified in a pilot project.
Our expertise in the field of shaping the future electricity market:
- Regenerative energy production
- Storage systems
- Holistic evaluation approaches
- System and market modelling
- Dispatch strategies for electricity production and storage plants
- Project development oriented towards stakeholders