Student projects at the FHNW
Let students find solutions to your problem.
During their studies, FHNW students work on real-world practical projects. These student projects are at the heart of studies at the FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. The projects can be contracted by any interested party – SMEs, large companies, government agencies, associations, individuals and NGOs.
Every year, students at the FHNW complete over 1,000 assignments on behalf of companies and organisations. As a contracting party, you receive expert solutions to your problem without much financial outlay. How our contracting parties benefit:
- New ideas and input on current issues
- Unbiased perspectives from the outside
- Up-to-the-minute know-how, methodological skills and commitment from the students
- Simple order fulfilment, straightforward collaboration
- Chance to appraise potential new employees/professionals
More than 90% of contracting parties are satisfied or very satisfied with the working relationship. The projects are clearly structured and include a kick-off meeting and final presentation. The students are supported by FHNW professionals throughout the projects. The projects can be the beginning of a long-term collaboration that can take many forms, e.g. joint research projects, consulting or other projects involving students.
Submitting the project
Do you have a project in your company or organisation that might be suitable for students to work on? Submit the project using the form provided by the relevant FHNW school. In addition, the individual schools provide further information on how the projects work and the terms and conditions.
Further information from the FHNW schools
General submission form for student projects
If you are unsure which FHNW school is the right choice for your project application, please use this form. We will get back to you to discuss the way forward.
To the submission form