A. Dannecker, D. Hertig (2022) AUTOMATION OF KAHOOT! BY THE HUMANOID ROBOT PEPPER, ICERI2022 Proceedings, pp. 5442-5449. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2022.1330
Zhong, V. J., Mürset, N., Jäger, J., & Schmiedel, T. (2022). Exploring Variables That Affect Robot Likeability. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 1140–1145. IEEE Press.
Sabbioni G., Zhong V.J., Jäger J., Schmiedel T. (2022) May I Show You the Route? Developing a Service Robot Application in a Library Using Design Science Research. In: Ahram T., Taiar R. (eds) Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. IHIET 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 319. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85540-6_39
Garbani-Nerini, E., Korkut, S., & De Ascaniis, S. (2022). Digital media can make tourism experiences at heritage destinations better. In S. De Ascaniis & L. Cantoni (Eds.), Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media (pp. 108–128). Edward Elgar Publishing, UK. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788970082.00018
Deiss, Y., Korkut, S., Inglese, T. (2022, forthcoming). Increase Therapy Understanding and Medication Adherence for Patients with Inflammatory Skin Diseases through Augmented Reality. HCII2022 - 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, 26 June - 1 July 2022 (online conference); https://2022.hci.international/
Inglese, T., Christen, P., Fässler, L. (2022, forthcoming). “I show you how I solved it!” Empowering Novice University Students to Learn Programming and Mathematics Through Self-Produced Videos to Potentially Teach to their Peers. ICMTEL 2022, 4th EAI - International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Enhanced Learning, April 15-16, 2022, Leicester, Great Britain (online conference); https://icmtel.eai-conferences.org/2022/
Applewhite, T., Zhong, V. J., & Dornberger, R. (2021, December). Novel Bidirectional Multimodal System for Affective Human-Robot Engagement. In 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
Sulger, M. & Korkut, M. & Dornberger, R. (2020). Augmented Reality to Complement Printed Guidebooks with Dynamic Information: A Case Study in Planning a Climbing Tour.
Winkel, D. J., Brantner, P., Lutz, J., Korkut, S., Linxen, S., & Heye, T. J. (2020). Gamification of electronic learning in radiology education to improve diagnostic confidence and reduce error rates. American Journal of Roentgenology, 214(3), 618-623.
Inglese, T. (2021). Designing Pilgrim Guide Training in a Secular Time: A Case Study from Switzerland. In (ed. Gagliardi Trotman, T.) Walking the Camino de Santiago: Essays on Pilgrimage in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 197-216). Jefferson NC: McFarland & Company.
Zhong, V. & Schmiedel, T. (2021). A User-Centered Agile Approach to the Development of a Real-World Social Robot Application for Reception Areas. In Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’21 Companion). ACM, Virtual Conference, 5 pages.
vom Brocke, J., Baier, M. S., Schmiedel, T., Stelzl, K., Röglinger, M., & Wehking, C. (2021). Context-Aware Business Process Management. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 1-18.
Vitacco, J. & Inglese, T. (2021, June 29-30). Attuned communication—an activity for improving students’ ability to take someone’s perspective. Conference Learning, Teaching & Student Experience conference organized by Chartered Association of Business Schools. https://charteredabs.org/events/ltse2021/(online conference) https://cabs-199e2.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/LTSE-2021-Conference-Proceedings.pdf
Suter, J. & Inglese, T. (2021). Neue Methode für den Aufbau und die Erhaltung von Sprachkompetenzen von Lokführern und Fahrdienstleitern. Sicherer Bahnbetrieb. ETR Januar-Februar 2021, nr. 1+2 (pp. 17-21). www.eurailpress.de/etr
Suter, J. & Inglese, T.(2021). Sprachschulung im Simulator. PRIMA 1.2021, pp. 96-99. https://privatbahn-magazin.de/
Korkut S., Mele E., Cantoni L. (2021) User Experience and Usability: The Case of Augmented Reality. In: Xiang Z., Fuchs M., Gretzel U., Höpken W. (eds) Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05324-6_62-1
Pimmer, C., Brühlmann, F., Odetola, T. D., Dipeolu, O., Oluwasola, O., Jäger, J., & Ajuwon, A. J. (2021). WhatsApp for mobile learning. Effects on knowledge, resilience and isolation in the school-to-work transition. The Internet and Higher Education, 50, 100809.
Dannecker, A., & Hertig, D. (2020). Facial Recognition and Pathfinding on the Humanoid Robot Pepper as a Starting Point for Social Interaction. In New Trends in Business Information Systems and Technology (pp. 147-160). Springer, Cham.
Inglese, T., Suter, J. (2020). Development of a 12 in class lessons' curriculum for teaching A1 technical Italian for train drivers (A1+). SOB - Südostbahn in collaboration with FHNW-IWI. Internal documents for professional training, SOB, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Schmiedel, T., Jäger, J., & Zhong, V. J. (2020). Social Robots in Organizational Contexts: The Role of Culture and Future Research Needs. In New Trends in Business Information Systems and Technology (pp. 163-177). Springer, Cham.
Zhong, V. J., &Schmiedel, T.(2020) Leveraging Qualitative Usability Testing in An Agile Robot Application Development Process. 12th International Conference on Social Robotics, 14-16 Nov 2020, 1st Workshop on Enriching HRI Research with Qualitative Methods.
Schmiedel, T., Recker, J., & vom Brocke, J. (2020). The relation between BPM culture, BPM methods, and process performance: Evidence from quantitative field studies. Information & Management, 57(2), 103175.
Brocke, J. & Denner, M. & Schmiedel, T. & Stelzl, K. & Röglinger, M. & Wehking, C. (2020). Context-aware business process management method assessment and selection. Business & Information Systems Engineering,
Lutz, J. & Memmert, D. & Raabe, D. & Dornberger, R. & Donath, L. (2020). Wearables for Integrative Performance and Tactic Analyses: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (1), 59.
Winkel, D. J., Brantner, P., Lutz, J., Korkut, S., Linxen, S., & Heye, T. J. (2020). Gamification of Electronic Learning in Radiology Education to Improve Diagnostic Confidence and Reduce Error Rates. American Journal of Roentgenology, 214(3), 618-623.
Inglese, T., & Korkut, S. (2020). Modeling the Instructional Design of a Language Training for Professional Purposes, Using Augmented Reality. In (ed. Dornberger, R.) New Trends in Business Information Systems and Technology (pp. 205-222). Springer, Cham.
Christen, P. & Inglese, T. (2020). Student video production in transfer task for programming and mathematics university teaching. Workshop presented at the Conference Eduhub 2020, Bern, Switzerland.
Christen, P. & Inglese, T. (2020 July 27-31). Virtual Teaching of Linear Algebra with Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence Case Studies. Tenth International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2020) Virtual Event, Paper 203; https://necsi.edu/iccs-2020-program ; https://necsi.edu/iccs-2020-program#203 ;
Menon, D. & Korkut, M. & Inglese, T. & Dornberger, R. (2020). Using Mobile Sensing on Smartphones for the Management of Daily Life Tasks. In New Trends in Business Information Systems and Technology (pp. 63-79). Springer, Cham.
Sulger, M. & Korkut, M. & Dornberger, R. (2020). Augmented Reality to Complement Printed Guidebooks with Dynamic Information: A Case Study in Planning a Climbing Tour.
Zelt, S. & Recker, J. & Schmiedel, T. & vom Brocke, J. (2019). A theory of contingent business process management. Business Process Management Journal, 25 (6), 1291-1316.
Inglese, T. (2018). Becoming a guide for pilgrims in a time of secularization. Church, Communication and Culture, 3(3), 335-361. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/23753234.2018.1545135
Lutz, J. & Zanda, A. & Heymann, A. & Bleisch, S. (2019). Technological infrastructure supporting the story network principle of the Atlas of the Ageing Society. Geografie, 124 (2), 217–235.
Zhong, V. J., Schmiedel, T., & Dornberger, R. (2019, November). Investigating the Effects of Gaze Behavior on the Perceived Delay of a Robot’s Response. In International Conference on Social Robotics (pp. 54-63). Springer, Cham.
Armingeon, M., Pleurat, K., & Zanwar, T., & Korkut, S., & Dornberger, R. (2019). A Case Study: Assessing Effectiveness of the Augmented Reality Application in Augusta Raurica. 6th European Conference, ECIL 2018, Oulu, Finland.
Inglese, T., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Witschel, H. F. (2019). Enhancing reflective practices within business management education: what kinds of e-learning scenarios can be designed?. In Proceedings 10th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning (pp. 108-113). https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3306500.3306580
Frey, G., Jurkschat, A., Korkut, S., Lutz, J., & Dornberger, R. (2019). Intuitive hand gestures for the interaction with information visualizations in virtual reality. In Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (pp. 261-273). Springer, Cham.
Schmiedel, T., Müller, O., & vom Brocke, J. (2018). Topic Modeling as a Strategy of Inquiry in Organizational Research: A Tutorial with an Application Example on Organizational Culture. Organizational Research Methods, 2018, 1-28.
Zelt, S., Recker, J., Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2018). Development and validation of an instrument to measure and manage organizational process variety. PLoS ONE, 2018, 1-25.
Zelt, S., Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2018). Understanding the nature of processes: an information-processing perspective. Business Process Management Journal, 2018, 67-88.
Wurm, B., Schmiedel, T., Mendling, J., & Fleig, C. (2018, June). Development of a measurement scale for business process standardization. Paper presented at the ECIS 2018. Portsmouth, United Kingdom.
Pochon, Y., Dornberger, R., Zhong, V.J., Korkut, S. (2018). Investigating the Democracy Behavior of Swarm Robots in the Case of a Best-of-n Selection. In: 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Bangalore, India, 2018, pp. 743-748.
Korkut, S., Marchiori, E., Cantoni, L., (2018). Investigating the effects of headset-based Virtual Reality against desktop-based video experience in a long-term comparative study. Paper presented at Virtual Reality Conference 2018, Manchester.
Suter, J., Inglese, T. (2018 June 21-22). Einfluss von Sprachkenntnissen auf die Sicherheit im Bahnbetrieb: Simulationsbasierte Untersuchung und Schulung von Lokführern und Fahrdienstleitern. In Tagungsband. 7. Interdisziplinärer Workshop. Kognitive Systems: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Braunschweig, (pp. 59-68). https://www.easychair.org/cfp/KogSys-2018
Jüngling S., Lutz J., Korkut, S., Jäger, J, (2018). Innovation Potential for Human Computer Interaction Domains in the Digital Enterprise. Cham: Springer.
Dornberger, R., Korkut, S., Lutz, J., Berga, J., & Jäger, J. (2018). Prototype-based research on immersive virtual reality and on self-replicating robots. In Business Information Systems and Technology 4.0 (pp. 257-274). Springer, Cham.
Inglese, T. & Korkut, M. & Dornberger, R. (2018). Digitalization: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. In (ed. Dornberger, R.) Business Information Systems and Technology 4.0 - New Trends in the Age of Digital Change (pp. 1-11). Springer, Cham.
Spiegel, M., Schmiedel, T., & Brocke, J. V. (2017). What makes change harder — or easier: How embedded values fit organizational culture. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(3), 88–89.
Inglese, T. & Korkut, M. & Dornberger, R. (2017). Internet of Things – A New Epistemic Object. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 15, 6. http://www.iiisci.org/journal/PDV/sci/pdfs/IP031LL17.pdf
Spiegel, M., Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2017). Warum Transformationsprojekte so oft scheitern und was dagegen zu tun ist. Computerworld, 2017, 54.
Schoenenberger, C., Korkut, S., Jaeger, J., & Dornberger, R. (2017, October). BioTourney: Gamifying a Biology Class by Applying a Content-Independent Learning Game Framework. Paper presented at the 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning. Paisley, Scotland.
Korkut, S., Dornberger, R., Nienhold, D., (2017). Pattern recognition for automated healthcare assessment using non-invasive, ambient sensors. IEEE, Park City, UT, USA, S.189-197.
Inglese, T. (2017 June 27). Step by step … following the spirituality roots of the Swiss Camino in Switzerland. Paper presented at CASCS Congress 2017, Zurich. https://www.theologie.uzh.ch/de/faecher/praktisch/cascs/Archiv/CASCS-and-SSCS-Congress.html
Korkut, S., Dornberger, R., Linxen, S., Gawlik-Rau, P., (2017). The Impact of Lego Models in Decision-making Workshops. Academic Conferences and publishing limited, S.335-342.
Lutz, J., Korkut, S., Linxen, S., Dornberger, R., Heye, T., Brantner, P., & Steiner, F. (2017). Tourney: A Game-Based Learning Approach for the Discovery of Uncommon Pathologies in Radiology. 959-963.
vom Brocke, J., Fay, M., Schmiedel, T., Petry, M., Krause, F., & Teinzer, T. (2017). A journey of digital innovation and transformation: The case of Hilti. In G. Oswald & M. Kleinemeier (Eds.), Shaping the Digital Enterprise (pp. 237-251). Springer.
Inglese, T., Rötlisberger, H. (2017 January 26th). Promotion of the St James's Way through Switzerland with the social media. Enter17: Conference in Rome, Italy. https://enter-conference.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/PROGRAMME_ENTER2017.compressed.pdf
Kummer, T., & Schmiedel, T. (2016). Reviewing the Role of Culture in Strategic Information Systems Research: A Call for Prescriptive Theorizing on Culture Management. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), 2016, 122-144.
Gorbacheva, E., Stein, A., Schmiedel, T., & Müller, O. (2016). The Role of Gender in Business Process Management Competence Supply. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 2016, 213-231.
Bleisch, S., Hil, D., Korkut, S., & Meyer, P. (2016). Challenges of a modern atlas of the ageing society. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 41.
vom Brocke, J., Zelt, S., & Schmiedel, T. (2016). On the role of context in business process management. International Journal of Information Management, 2016, 486-495.
vom Brocke, J., Schmiedel, T., Simons, A., Schmid, A. M., Petry, M., Baeck, C. (2016). From local IT needs to global process transformation: Hilti’s customer service program. Business Process Management Journal, 2016, 594-613.
Richards, B., & Jäger, J. (2016). Digitalisieren mit Strategie. UnternehmerZeitung, 2016, 30-31.
Jäger, J., & Richards, B. (2016). Digitalisierung entlang der Wertschöpfungskette: Trends und Beispiele. Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 2016, 19-22.
Nienhold, D., Dornberger, R., & Korkut S. (2016, October). Healthcare Assessment Questions Automatically Answered Using Non-Invasive, Ambient Sensors. Paper presented at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics. Chicago, USA.
Schmiedel, T., Müller, O., Debortoli, S., & vom Brocke, J. (2016, June). Identifying and quantifying cultural factors that matter to the IT workforce: An approach based on automated content analysis. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Istanbul, Turkey.
Lammel, B., Korkut, S., & Hinkelmann, K. (2016, March). Customer Experience Modelling and Analysis Framework - A Semantic Lifting Approach for Analyzing Customer Experience. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship : IE2016. Singapore, Malaysia.
Jäger, J., Korkut, S., & Dornberger, R. (2016, June). Innovative learning design: experiences from gadget workshops in business informatics classes. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’16. Valencia, Spain.
Korkut, S., Jäger, J., & Bornberger, R. (2016, October). BioTourney: Gamifying a Biology Class by Applying a Content-Independent Learning Game Framework. Paper presented at the 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL2016). Paisley, Scotland.
Brantner, P., Steiner, F., Korkut, S., Linxen, S., Merkle, E., & Heie, T. (2016). RapRad - A New E-learning Concept with Rapid Case Reading and Instant Feedback to Reduce Chance in Radiology Education. Radiological Society of North America 2016; Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (RSNA2016). Chicago, USA.
Nienhold, D., Dornberger, R., & Korkut, S. (2016, October). Sensor-Based Tracking and Big Data Processing of Patient Activities in Ambient Assisted Living. Paper presented at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics. Chicago, USA.
Korkut, M. & Dornberger, R. & Nienhold, D. (2016). Sensor-Based Tracking and Big Data Processing of Patient Activities in Ambient Assisted Living.
vom Brocke, J., & Schmiedel, T. (Eds.) (2015). BPM - Driving Innovation in a Digital World. Cham: Springer.
Gorbacheva, E., Stein, A., Schmiedel, T., & Müller, O. (2015). A gender perspective on business process management competences offered on professional online social networks. Paper presented at ECIS 2015. Münster, Germany.
Tumbas, S., Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2015, January). Characterizing Multiple Institutional Logics for Innovation with Digital Technologies. Paper presented at the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Kauai, USA.
vom Brocke, J., Schmiedel, T., & Zelt, S. (2015). Considering Context in Business Process Management: The BPM Context Framework. Bptrends, 2015, 1-12.
Jäger, J., Korkut, S., Hil, D., & Dornberger, R. (2015, October). Gamification and Data - Learning Process Visualization. Paper presented at the 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2015). Steinkjer, Norway.
Jäger, J. (2015). Konsumenten machens möglich. UnternehmerZeitung, 2015, 28-29.
Baumann, N., & Safak, K. (2015, January 13). Meine Uhr hat verschiedene Gesichter. Retrieved from ictk.ch/inhalt/meine-uhr-hat-verschiedene-gesichter
Wilke, Gwendolin., Lutz, Jonas., Emmenegger, Sandro., Kaufmann, Michael. (2015). Merging Bottom-Up and Top-Down Knowledge Graphs for Intuitive Knowledge Browsing. Springer, Cham, 400, S.445-459.
Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J., & Recker, J. (2015). Culture in Business Process Management: How Cultural Values Determine BPM Success. In J. vom Brocke & M. Rosemann (Eds.), Handbook on Business Process Management: Strategic Alignment, Governance, People and Culture (2 ed., Vol. 2, pp. 649-664). Berlin et al.: Springer.
Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2015). Business process management: Potentials and challenges of driving innovation. In J. vom Brocke & T. Schmiedel (Eds.), BPM - Driving Innovation in a Digital World (pp. 3-16). Heidelberg: Springer.
vom Brocke, J., Petry, M., Schmiedel, T., & Sonnenberg, C. (2015). How Organizational Culture Facilitates a Global BPM Project: The Case of Hilti. In J. vom Brocke & M. Rosemann (Eds.), Handbook on Business Process Management: Strategic Alignment, Governance, People and Culture (2 ed., Vol. 2, pp. 693-741). Berlin: Springer.
Müller, O., Schmiedel, T., Gorbacheva, E., & vom Brocke, J. (2014). Towards a typology of business process management professionals: Identifying meaningful combinations of information system skills through latent semantic analysis. Enterprise Information Systems, 10(1), 50-80.
Schmiedel, T. (2014). On the management of culture within business process management. Uporabna Informatika, 12(2), 68-75.
vom Brocke, J., Schmiedel, T., Recker, J., Trkman, P., Mertens, W., & Viaene, S. (2014). Ten Principles of Good Business Process Management. Business Process Management Journal, 20(4), 530-548.
Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J., & Recker, J. (2014). Development and validation of an instrument to measure organizational cultures‘ support of business process management. Information & Management, 51(1), 43-56.
Zelt, S., Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2014). Benchmarking cultural fitness for Business Process Management: On the need for a consideration of the nature of processes. 360° - The Business Transformation Journal, 4(12), 28-37.
vom Brocke, J., Schmiedel, T., Recker, J., Trkman, P., Mertens, W., & Viaene, S. (2014). 10 Principles of Good BPM. BPTrends, Class Notes, October 2014, 1-12.
Schmiedel, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2014). Cultural values matter: The role of organizational culture in ECM. In J. vom Brocke & A. Simons (Eds.), Enterprise Content Management in Information Systems Research: Foundations and Cases (pp. 75-87). Berlin: Springer.
Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J., & Uhl, A. (2014). Operational Excellence. In A. Uhl & L.A. Gollenia (Eds.), Digital Enterprise Transformation: A Business-Driven Approach to Leveraging Innovative IT (pp. 207-230). Surrey: Gower.
Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J., & Recker, J. (2013). Which cultural values matter to business process management? Results from a global Delphi study. Business Process Management Journal, 19(2), 292-317.
Tumbas, S., Schmiedel, T., Bringmann, M., & vom Brocke, J. (2013). Developing a BPM-supportive organizational culture: On the importance of contextual factors. Paper presented at the 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 05 - 08 Jun 2013, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Tumbas, S., & Schmiedel, T. (2013). Developing an Organizational Culture Supportive of Business Process Management. Paper presented at the 11. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 27 Feb - 01 Mar 2013, Leipzig, Germany.
Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J., & Recker, J. (2013). How fit is your organizational culture for business process management? 360° - The Business Transformation Journal, 2(6), 81.
Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J., Uhl, A., & Zeitz, S. (2013). A Global HR Transformation: How a Leading Company Leveraged the Innovative Power of IT. In A. Uhl & L. A. Gollenia (Eds.), Business Transformation Essentials. Case Studies and Articles (pp. 159-172): Gower.
vom Brocke, J., Petry, M., & Schmiedel, T. (2013). How Hilti Masters Transformation. In A. Uhl & L. A. Gollenia (Eds.), Business Transformation Essentials. Case Studies and Articles (pp. 203-213): Gower.
Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J., & Recker, J. (2012). Cultural fitness for business process management: What is it and what is it worth? The World Financial Review, November-December 2012, 21-24.
Schmiedel, T., vom Brocke, J., & Recker, J. (2012). Is Your Organizational Culture Fit for Business Process Management? BPTrends (May 2012), 1-5.
vom Brocke, J., & Schmiedel, T. (2011). Towards a Conceptualisation of BPM Culture: Results from a Literature Review. Paper presented at the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 7-11 July 2011, Brisbane, Australia.
vom Brocke, J., & Sinnl, T. (2011). Culture in business process management. A literature review. Business Process Management Journal, 17(2), 357-377.
vom Brocke, J., Petry, M., & Schmiedel, T. (2011). How Hilti Masters Transformation. 360° - The Business Transformation Journal, 1(1), 38-47.