Prof. Dr. Elzbieta Pustulka
Prof. Dr. Elzbieta Pustulka
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
Dozentin für Wirtschaftsinformatik im Kompetenzschwerpunkt Systems Engineering
Elzbieta Pustulka (vormals Ela Hunt) ist Expertin für Datenbanken, Datenintegration, Algorithmen, UX und Bioinformatik. Sie hat im Jahr 2002 an der Universität Glasgow in Schottland promoviert.
Sie lehrt Datenbanken und Programmieren. Sie leitet Forschungsprojekte, Bachelorarbeiten und Masterarbeiten.
- Digitalisierung von Business-Prozessen
- Datenbanken, Datenintegration, Datenextraktion, Algorithmen
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Peer-reviewedFluri, J., Fornari, F., & Pustulka, E. (2024). On the importance of CI/CD practices for database applications. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 36(12), e2720.
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., & Spadola, A. (2023). Learning Java Loops and Control Structures by Moving a Ladybird. GSGS′23. 8th International Conference on Gamification & Serious Games, 70–73.
Peer-reviewedFluri, J., Fornari, F., & Pustulka, E. (2023). Measuring the benefits of CI/CD practices for database application development. 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes. ICSSP. Melbourne, Australia, 14-15 May 2023. Proceedings, 46–57.
Peer-reviewedEspona, L., Vichalkovski, A., Steingartner, W., & Pustulka, E. (2023). Automatic indexing for MongoDB. In A. Abelló, P. Vassiliadis, O. Romero, R. Wrembel, F. Bugiotti, J. Gamper, G. Vargas Solar, & E. Zumpano (Eds.), New trends in database and information systems. ADBIS 2023 short Papers, doctoral consortium and workshops: AIDMA, DOING, K-Gals, MADEISD, PeRS, Barcelona, Spain, September 4–7, 2023, roceedings (pp. 535–543). Springer.
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., von Arx, S., & Espona, L. (2022). Building a NoSQL ERP. Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. ICICT 2022, London, 2, 671–680.
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., de Espona, L., & Kennel, A. (2022). Extending SQL Scrolls to teach SQL DML. GSGS ’22. 7th International Conference on Gamification & Serious Game. June 29-30 & July 1, 2022, HEPIA, HES-SO, Geneva, 10–13.
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., Krause, K., de Espona, L., & Kennel, A. (2022). SQL scrolls - A reusable and extensible DGBL experiment. In D. Stikkolorum & E. Rahimi (eds.), Proceedings CSERC′21 (2 ed., pp. 39–48). ACM.
Peer-reviewedEspona, L., & Pustulka, E. (2022). Document versioning for MongoDB. In S. Chiusano, T. Cerquitelli, R. Wrembel, K. Nørvåg, B. Catania, G. Vargas-Solar, & E. Zumpano (Eds.), New trends in database and information systems. ADBIS 2022 Short Papers, Doctoral Consortium and Workshops: DOING, K-GALS, MADEISD, MegaData, SWODCH, Turin, Italy, September 5–8, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 512–524). Springer.
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., Hanne, T., Gachnang, P., & Biafora, P. (2021). FLIE: form labeling for information extraction. In K. Arai, S. Kapoor, & R. Bhatia (Eds.), Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020 (Vol. 2, pp. 550–567).
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., Güler, A., & Hanne, T. (2021). A logistics serious game. GSGS′21. 6th International Conference on Gamification & Serious Game, 66–69.
Pustulka, E., & Hanne, T. (2020). Text mining innovation for business. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), New trends in business information systems and technology. Digital innovation and digital business Transformation (pp. 49–61). Springer.
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., Hanne, T., Adriaensen, B., Eggenschwiler, S., Kaba, E., & Wetzel, R. (2019). An experiment with an optimization game. In K. Blashki & Y. Xiao (Eds.), IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2019 (part of MCCSIS 2019) (pp. 173–180).
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., Hanne, T., Richard, W., Egemen, K., Benjamin, A., Stefan, E., & Adriaensen, B. (2019). A game teaching population based optimization using teaching-learning-based optimization. GSGS′19. 4th Gamification & Serious Game Symposium, 45–48.
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., Hanne, T., Blumer, E., & Frieder, M. (2018). Multilingual Sentiment Analysis for a Swiss Gig. In K. C. Wong (Ed.), 6th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI 2018).
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., Telesko, R., & Hanne, T. (2018). Gig work business process improvement. In K. C. Wong (Ed.), ISCBI 2018. 6th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence. Proceedings (pp. 10–15). CPS.
Gürtler, S., Bendel, O., Pustulka, E., Binz, M., & Heimsch, F. (2018). Identifikation von Meinungsrobotern. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW.
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., Hanne, T., & de Espona, L. (2021). FLIE with rules. SwissText 2021.
Peer-reviewedPustulka, E., & Hanne, T. (2019). Sentiment analysis for a swiss gig platform company. 4th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText 2019).
Prof. Dr. Elzbieta Pustulka
- Dozentin, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Telefonnummer
- +41 62 957 22 67 (Direkt)
- ZWx6YmlldGEucHVzdHVsa2FAZmhudy5jaA==
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Wirtschaft
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten