Achim Dannecker
Achim Dannecker
Activities at FHNW
- Lecturer
- Programme Manager CAS Business Requirements Engineering
- Programme Manager CAS IT-Projektmanagement
- Manager Seminar Projektmanagement
- Module Leader Business Process- and Project Management
Areas of Competence
- Process Management
- Process Automation
- Project Management
- Collaboration platforms
- Collaboration design with a focus on MS SharePoint
Education Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Process Management
- Project Management
- E-Business
- Basics of Business Information Technology
- IT-tools in Business Information Technology
Further Education
- CAS Business Requirements Engineering
- CAS IT-Projektmanagement
- CAS Freiwilligenmanagement
- Project Management
Consulting Activities
- Process Management
- Project Management
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedMeyer, L., & Dannecker, A. (2024). Smart tools, smarter students. A study on ChatGPT’s effects on learning outcomes and exercise quality in business education. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), INTED2024 Proceedings (pp. 2704–2713). IATED.
Peer reviewedDannecker, A. (2024). Automation of Kahoot! by the humanoid robot Pepper – the way Pepper can answer rudely. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), INTED2024 Proceedings (pp. 3417–3425). International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).
Peer reviewedDannecker, A., & Meyer, L. (2024). Relevance of artificial inrelevance of artificial intelligence components in workflow-based student projects. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), INTED2024 Proceedings (pp. 3442–3450). International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).
Peer reviewedMeyer, L., & Dannecker, A. (2024). Comparative analysis of generative AI models in educational exercise performance. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), EDULEARN24 Proceedings (pp. 5181–5190). International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).
Peer reviewedDannecker, A., & Meyer, L. (2024). Quality and students’ perception of feedback generated by GPT-4 on a complex group task. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), EDULEARN24 Proceedings (pp. 7127–7136). International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).
Dannecker, A., & Hertig, D. (2023). Gesichtserkennung und Wegfindung auf dem humanoiden Roboter Pepper als Ausgangspunkt für soziale Interaktion. In R. Dornberger (ed.), Neue Trends in Wirtschaftsinformatik und eingesetzte Technologien. Digitale Innovation und digitale Transformation (pp. 155–169). Springer.
Peer reviewedDannecker, A., & Hertig, D. (2023). Automation of Kahoot! by the humanoid robot Pepper – Comparing results from classes – Robot vs. lecturers. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), INTED2023 Proceedings (pp. 4361–4368).
Peer reviewedDannecker, A., & Hanke, U. (2023). Students struggle in coming back to face-2-face teaching in evidence based good teaching settings. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), INTED2023 Proceedings (pp. 4323–4329). IATED.
Peer reviewedDannecker, A. (2023). Business students invest their time in complex and challenging process digitalization tasks instead of preparing for the exam. In E. a. D. (. International Academy of Technology (Ed.), EDULEARN23 Proceedings (pp. 8461–8467). International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).
Peer reviewedDannecker, A. (2023). Business atudents invest their time in complex and challenging process digitalization tasks instead of preparing for the exam. EDULEARN23. Conference Proceedings, 8461–8467.
Peer reviewedDannecker, A., & Hanke, U. (2022). Evidence-based good teaching succeeds face-2-face and online. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), ICERI2022 Proceedings (pp. 5650–5656). IATED.
Peer reviewedDannecker, A., & Hanke, U. (2021). „Die gute Lehrveranstaltung“ – eine Feldstudie. die hochschullehre, 7(10), 87–92.
Peer reviewedDannecker, A., Telesko, R., & Knechtli, H. (2019). Preparing management science students for the digitalization era. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), EDULEARN19. Conference Proceedings (pp. 9249–9256). IATED.
Peer reviewedDannecker, A. (2019). Teaching each semester 12 classes with 7 lectures in a case study and flipped classroom setting. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.), ICERI 2019. 12th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Conference proceedings (pp. 8376–8382).
Leimstoll, U., Dannecker, A., Knechtli, H., Quade, M. H., Tanner, C., & Wölfle, R. (2018). E-Business in the era of digital transformation. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), Business information systems and technology 4.0. New trends in the age of digital change (pp. 81–101). Springer.
Dannecker, A., & Knechtli, H. (2015, June 9). Staatliches im Unternehmen: Projektmanagementmethode Hermes 5. Unternehmer Zeitung, 40–41.
Dannecker, A. (2015, February). Performancekiller Intranet. Unternehmer Zeitung, 3, 34–35.
Dannecker, A. (2014, November 5). Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Erreichbarseins. Netzwoche, 39.
Dannecker, A. (2014, August 19). Mikroprozessmanagement. Selbstoptimierung am Arbeitsplatz. Unternehmer Zeitung, 36–37.
Dannecker, A. (2014, May 3). Studierende in der Rolle von KMU-Managern. Wirtschaftsflash, 32–33.
Baumann, N., & Dannecker, A. (2013, October 1). “Die Inbox sollte abends leer sein.” Stress und Ineffizienz trotz IT-Tools? Unternehmer Zeitung, 40.
Baumann, N., Dannecker, A., & Knechtli, H. (2013, July 19). Studierende in der Rolle von Start-up-Mitarbeitenden. ICT - Kommunikation, 3–9.
Dannecker, A. (2010, January 5). How to set up and improve rating criterias in B2B plattforms. Hawai International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
Peer reviewedDannecker, A., & Quade, M. H. (2010). Das Differenzierungspotential eines mehrdimensionalen Kriterienkataloges zur Bewertung von Onlineshops: Eine empirische Untersuchung in einem Schweizer Portal. E-Commerce und E-Business. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010. MKWI 2010, 1277–1287.
Dannecker, A., & Wölfle, R. (2009). eXperience based training - Eine Community Plattform für Dozierende. In K. Meissner & M. Engelien (eds.), Virtuelle Organisation und Neue Medien. Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien (GeNeMe 2009) Workshop GeNeMe 2009 (1 ed.). TUDpress Verlag der Wissenschaften.
Dannecker, A., & Lechner, U. (2007). Fallstudie EDEKA Minden-Hannover: Elektronische Rechnungsübermittlung. In R. Wölfle & P. Schubert (eds.), Business Collaboration: Standortübergreifende Prozesse mit Business Software (pp. 177–190). Hanser.
No peer reviewed content available
1.9.2011–28.2.2013, Dannecker. Achim
No peer reviewed content available
Dannecker, A. (2010). Moodle - Fluch oder Segen für die Lehre? Der Nutzungsgrad im Verhältnis zu den Setup-Kosten. Virtuelle Organisation und neue Medien 2010. Workshop GeNeMe ’10. Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien. Technische Universität Dresden.
Dannecker, A., & Wölfle, R. (2009). eXperience based training. 5. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement. Erfahrungen und Visionen.
Achim Dannecker
- Lecturer, Institute for Information Systems
- Telephone
- +41 61 279 17 96 (direct)
- YWNoaW0uZGFubmVja2VyQGZobncuY2g=
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Peter Merian-Strasse 86
CH – 4052 Basel