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Institute for Nonprofit and Public Management

Your competence centre in questions related to non-profit and public management.

Organisations in the non-profit and public sector are supporting pillars of our society. These organisations and their leaders and specialists have faced great and, to some extent, profound challenges for many years and the pressure to develop and change will not let up in the years to come. Employees of the NPPM guide and support decision-makers and specialists from practice through continuing education, consulting and research projects for NPOs and public administration departments. It is our aim to combine theory and practice to develop, implement and evaluate future-oriented, sustainable and innovative concepts and solutions.

Core Competencies

Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Beat Habegger
Prof. Dr. Beat Habegger

Co-Head of Institute Nonprofit- and Public Management

Telephone +41 61 279 18 48 (direct)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hadorn
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hadorn

Co-Head of Institute Nonprofit- and Public Management

Telephone +41 61 279 18 68 (direct)


Dorothea Lämmlin
Dorothea Lämmlin

Assistant and Person in Charge for Online-Marketing and Controlling, Institute Nonprofit- and Public Management

Telephone +41 61 279 17 72 (direct)

Social Media FHNW School of Business


Basel Peter Merian

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Business Peter Merian-Strasse 86 4002 Basel
More information about the location