Marcel Hirsiger
Marcel Hirsiger
Activities at FHNW
- Lecturer
- Expert in Eastern European Studies
Marcel Hirsiger is an expert on Eastern Europe and a lecturer at the FHNW School of Business in Olten. He studied Business Administration with a focus on Controlling at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and later Eastern European Studies and World Arts at the Universities of Bern and Fribourg.
Before joining the FHNW, Marcel Hirsiger worked in project management and management positions in industrial companies in the areas of business controlling, business area development and supply chain management. He was head of a Bachelor's degree program at a private university.
He has worked and continues to work as a lecturer at numerous universities and further education institutes in Switzerland and abroad. His teaching focuses on nearshoring, politics and society in Eastern Central Europe, corporate finance and strategic management.
Marcel Hirsiger worked in the Career Services FHNW for around 10 years and founded the Career Services Network Switzerland CSNCH association, in which all career centers and services at Swiss universities work together.
For further information on LinkedIn
Current and previous lecturing activities at the FHNW School of Business:
- Nearshoring in Central & Eastern Europe (1-week study trip to Poland)
- Bloodlands: A brief history of Central & Eastern Europe
- TopSim Management Game
- Financial Accounting
- „We are not them!“ Identity Clashes in Europe
- Russia: Culture & Society
Research and publications on topics of national and cultural identity in Central & Eastern Europe, nearshoring, politics and society in Central & Eastern Europe.
- Hirsiger, M. (2024). „Wie einer im russischen Totalitarismus Moral bewahren kann“ (Buch-besprechung Szczepan Twardoch: „Kälte“). In: Aargauer Zeitung, 25. Juni 2024, S. 13.
- Hirsiger, M. (2024). „Er ist Putins Lieblingssänger: Der russische Popstar Shaman liefert den Soundtrack zur russischen Invasion in der Ukraine“. In: Aargauer Zeitung, 27. März 2024, S. 17.
- Hirsiger, M. (2019). Re-Inventing the Past. The Reconstruction of Post-War Warsaw. In I. Köhle, V. Legena (Hg.). Wirtschaftsdidaktik heute, Bd. 1, S. 73-89.
- Hirsiger, M. (2019). "Mein Land. Mein Stil". Russland auf der Suche nach nationaler Identi-tät. Master-Arbeit Universität Fribourg.
- Hirsiger, M. (2016). Die Dystopie in der russischen Gegenwartsliteratur. Eine Werkanalyse zu Romanen von Vladimir Sorokin, Viktor Pelewin, Natan Dubowizki und Tatjana Tolstaja. Bachelor-Arbeit Universität Fribourg.
- Schmitt, Th. & Hirsiger, M. (2019). Unternehmensbewertung. Uitikon: Startlink Verlag.
- Schmitt, Th., Hirsiger, M. & Brodmann, D. (2019). Investitionsrechnung. Uitikon: Startlink Verlag.
Marcel Hirsiger
- Lecturer
- Telephone
- +41 62 957 20 97 (direct)
- bWFyY2VsLmhpcnNpZ2VyQGZobncuY2g=
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Riggenbachstrasse 16
CH – 4600 Olten