Teaching staff & Instruments Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
The teaching staff and the major-instruments of Schola grouped as follows.
Instruments & Voice as major at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
As major in Schola the following families of instruments / voice can be studied. The student administration can provide information on instruments not listed.
String instruments Baroque Violin, Viola da gamba, Baroque Violoncello, Violone/Double Bass, Vielle (da braccio and da gamba) a.o.
Wood instruments Recorder, Transvers Flute, Historical Oboe, Shawm, Historical Clarinet, Historical Bassoon/Dulcian
Brass instruments Natural Horn, Natural Trumpet, Cornetto, Sackbut/Trombone
Keyboard Instruments Medieval (Organetto, Clavicytherium, Clavicymbalum etc), Harpsichord/Clavichord, Fortepiano, Historical Organ
Plucked String instruments Lute, Historical Harp
Vocal Voice Medieval/Renaissance, Voice Renaissance/Romantic