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Prof. Agnès Fritze

Prof. Agnès Fritze

Prof. Agnès Fritze

Education, Training & Professional Experience

Professional experience

  • Since September 2017: Director of the School of Social Work FHNW and Head of Continuing Education FHNW (since 2018)
  • January 2006 - August 2017: Head of the Institute for Counseling, Coaching and Social Management, School of Social Work FHNW
  • Since 1997: holding various functions at the School of Social Work of the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland (formerly the University of Applied Sciences of Solothurn and the School of Social Work)
  • 1992 - 1997: Head of office of a foundation for projects in the social sector; social worker at the University Psychiatric Services (UPD) Berne
  • 1985 - 1992: Practical experience in various fields of social work (internships, voluntary work)

Education and further training

Studies in social work, psychopathology and theology at the University of Fribourg with degree lic. phil. I/dipl. Social Worker; CAS FHNW Systemisch-lösungsorientiertes Coaching; Leadership Seminar (CAS University of St. Gallen), Seminar Geist und Leadership (Lassalle Institute Bad Schönbrunn), Higher Education Management HEM Seminar (Association "Higher Education Management" of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences)

Main Topics

  • Social management/Social Impact Model
  • Coaching, counseling


  • Social Management
  • Social Impact Model
  • Planning and leading social innovation processes
  • Professional cooperation


  • Consulting for public and private institutions in the social, health and education sectors
  • Situation analyses, development of mission statements, management concepts, service contracts, evaluations
  • External project management, facilitation of change processes

Further Information

Publications and projects