Dr. Edina Krompák
Dr. Edina Krompák
Edina Krompák is an educational scientist and lecturer at the School of Teacher Education of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. She graduated from the School of Teacher Education of the University of Nyíregyháza and the University of Miskolc (Hungary) with a specialization in education science and languages (Hungarian, Russian, and German). She also holds a Swiss National Science Foundation-funded PhD degree from the University of Zurich, where she developed an expertise in cognitive psychology in education and educational linguistics. Precisely, she examined first and second languages development in the context of heritage language courses. Her main research field is multilingual language use and identity in educational contexts. Her current research interests are ethnic and local identities in linguistic landscapes, exploration of individual translingual practices by future teachers, and the relationship of linguistic landscape and educational spaces. Her research and teaching delve into multi-disciplinary topics from education science, sociolinguistics and linguistic ethnography.
Recent research projects
2017-2020 Teacher education for translanguaging (TET)
2017-2018 Learning space in primary education contexts. A comparative study in Switzerland and Malta in cooperation with Prof. Antoinette Camilleri Grima, Dr. Marie Therese Farrugia (Faculty of Education, University of Malta)
2015-2018 Local and ethnic identities. Linguistic landscape of superdiverse Kleinbasel in Switzerland
Selected Publications
Krompák, E. (article under review). Linguistic landscape im Unterricht. Das didaktische Potential eines soziolinguistischen Forschungsfeldes [Linguistic landscape in the classroom. Educational potential of a sociolinguistic research field]. Beiträge zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung.
Krompák, E. (article under review). Exploration der urbanen semiotischen Landschaft [Exploration of urban semiotic landscape]. The benefits of linguistic landscape in language learning. Grundschulmagazin Englisch.
Hollenweger, J. & Krompák, E. (in press). UNICEF Teacher manual of school-based and classroom-based activities to support all learners.
Krompák, E. & Meyer, S. (in press). Translanguaging and the negotiation of meaning. Multilingual signage in a Swiss linguistic landscape. In G. Mazzaferro (ed.). Translanguaging as everyday practice. Dordrecht: Springer.
Krompàk, E. (2017). Promoting multilingualism through heritage language courses: New perspectives on the transfer effect. In R. Berthele & A. Lambelet (eds.). Heritage and School Language Literacy Development in Migrant Children. Interdependence or Independence? (pp. 141-160). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Krompàk, E. (2015). Hidden rules of language use: Ethnographic observation on the transition from kindergarten to primary school. NETLA, Online Journal of Pedagogy and Education http://netla.hi.is/arslok-2014 (8.9.2016).
Krompàk, E. (2015). Sprachliche Realität im Schweizer Kindergarten- und Schulalltag. Code-Switching und Sprachentrennung bei mehrsprachigen Kindern [Linguistic reality in everyday life in Swiss kindergarten and school. Code-switching and the separation of languages amongst multilingual children]. In A. Schnitzer, & R. Mörgen (Eds.), Mehrsprachigkeit und (Un)gesagtes: Sprache als soziale Praxis im Kontext von Heterogenität, Differenz und Ungleichheit [Multilingualism and the (un)spoken: Language as social practice in the context of heterogeneity, difference and inequality] (p.175-193). Weinheim/München: Beltz Juventa.
Krompàk, E. (2015). Herkunftssprachlicher Unterricht. Ein Begriff in Wandel [Heritage language instruction. A concept in change]. In R. Leiprecht & A. Steinbach (Hrsg.), Schule in der Migrationsgesellschaft [School in the migration society] (Bd. 1), (S. 64-83). Schwalbach/Ts: Debus Pädagogik.
Caprez-Krompàk, E. (2010). Entwicklung der Erst- und Zweitsprache im interkulturellen Kontext. Eine empirische Untersuchung über den Einfluss des Unterrichts in heimatlicher Sprache und Kultur (HSK) auf die Sprachentwicklung [The development of first and second languages in intercultural context. An empirical investigation into the influence of instruction in heritage language and culture on language development]. Münster: Waxmann.
Dr. Edina Krompák
- Telephone
- +41 61 228 51 28 (direct)