Resource efficiency
Optimisation of production processes | Recycling technology | Life cycle analysis | Material flow management
Resource-efficient products and processes continuously open up new markets and give a competitive edge to the companies producing them. Together with our partners, we develop innovative methods and technologies for the targeted control of material and energy flows.
At the centre of a successful business management team is the question of how the highest amount of added value possible can be achieved with limited resources. Our experts have amassed years of experience in national and international projects in this field. With their range of skills, they help project partners to produce products in a more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly way. This is a particularly worthwhile challenge in connection with current developments such as Industry 4.0 or the use of electric powered vehicles.
In particular, this process involves:
- Developing resource-efficient products
- Optimising production processes
- Recording and evaluating material flows
- Recovering valuable raw materials from complex mixtures
- Analysis of the optimisation potential of production processes and products (material flow and energy analyses, life cycle analysis, technology comparisons, efficiency potential analyses, benchmarking etc.)
- Optimisation of production processes and products with regard to resource efficiency
- Separation techniques for recyclable materials
- Development of new recycling techniques
- Optimisation of the efficiency level of existing recycling systems
- Cost analysis and variant study for material flow management for various materials (plastics, green waste etc.)
Center for Cleantech and Sustainable Energy Systems
We support companies and the public sector in the development of sustainable, circular products and services.
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