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From Mexico to Hawai'i: How experience abroad boosted Yanik Deana's career

Yanik Deana completed his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Molecular Bioanalytics and Technologies at the FHNW School of Life Sciences. Throughout his academic career he has strived to develop his skills through practical research and international experience. In 2017 his BSc thesis took him to the Universidad de Sonora in Hermosillo, Mexico, while he completed his Master's thesis at the University of Hawai'i in Mānoa on the island of O'ahu.

yanik-deana-lab.pngAfter successfully completing his MSc, Yanik decided to pursue his PhD assessment year within the FHNW School of Life Sciences. During this time, however, he realized that an academic career was not what he had in mind. “In a purely basic research environment, I missed the significance and direct relevance of day-to-day hands-on work. Perhaps my research drive had simply been exhausted by my Bachelor's and Master's theses” explains Yanik. He wanted a job where he could use his skills in a more practical context.

In 2020, Yanik returned to the firm where he had done his apprenticeship: Bachem AG in Bubendorf. He had completed his training as a chemical lab technician there and worked in the R&D department for four years before starting his studies. Bachem offered him the chance to put his academic knowledge into practice in industry. He joined as a project chemist (scientist) at management level and was running his own R&D team by the end of 2021, leading the commercial production of an active ingredient for the treatment of hypothyroidism.

Yanik's return to Bachem AG and his promotion within the company showed that he had made the right decision, one which allowed him to grow both professionally and personally. “Doing lab work and writing the manuscript in English during my degree was challenging, but at the same time the best preparation for the Master's” reflects Yanik. His experience abroad in Mexico and Hawai'i not only earned him top marks and a diploma prize for his BSc thesis, but also furthered his professional career. Today, his fluent English enables him to communicate and make decisions face to face in international client meetings.


For Yanik, the time spent abroad has definitely paid off. “And let's be honest, almost a year in Hawai'i to do research, surf and explore nature? A no brainer for me! Only after Mexico did I have to painstakingly work off the +12 kg taco weight - but it was still more than worth it” jokes Yanik. His story shows how important it is to reconcile your professional goals and personal interests in order to find fulfilment and success.

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Would you like to study abroad for a semester or do your thesis project outside Switzerland? Find out all you need to know here.

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FHNW School of Life Sciences

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
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