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Titus Wuermeling

Titus took the opportunity to do a double degree in Sweden and spent one additional semester at Linköping University.

Interview with Titus Wuermeling

Field of study: MSc in Life Sciences, specialisation Chemical Engineering
Stay abroad: Double Degree
Host institution: Linköping University
Semester: Autumn 2023

What made you decide, what motivated you to go abroad?
During a semester abroad, you have numerous opportunities to develop academically, enhance your language skills, grow personally, step out of your comfort zone, and forge new international friendships.

Why did you choose your host institution/country?
I've always wanted to spend an extended period in Sweden, as the landscape and culture have always fascinated me. So, FHNW's attractive offer to pursue a double degree in my field of study, especially in Linköping, Sweden, came at just the right time.

What is your everyday life like?
Every morning, I cycled to the university on my beautiful, old, fully functional, green 30 CHF bike, regardless of the weather - be it sunny, rainy, or snowy, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to -10°C. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. Few students use public transport; most chose to cycle or walk.

My day typically started at 8:15 am with the first lecture, beginning comfortably. After the initial lecture, I would have a FIKA* before quickly moving on to the next class. At lunchtime, I had several options: heat up my meal in one of the countless microwaves, buy the best student sandwich in Byttan, or visit one of the many other eateries on campus. The hot dogs at Pressbyrån were also a good choice. Afternoons usually involved another lecture, a tutorial, a lab, or study sessions in Studenthuset, always with a FIKA in between.

When the university day ended depended on when you chose to leave campus. At some point, the campus transformed from a place of study to a social hub. If you weren’t already studying with friends in one of the open student study areas, it wasn’t difficult to find a good time with friends on or around campus. There were several cafés, nice spots, and sports facilities. For example, you could go golfing, play tennis or football, jog, go horse riding, and in winter, even cross-country ski or ice skate on tracks directly next to the university campus Valla. There wer also Campus Hallen offering a wide range of team sports, yoga classes, and gym sessions, all at reasonable prices.

For supper, I often cooked with friends and stayed at the university to participate in various activities.

*FIKA is a typical Swedish social coffee break.

What surprised you the most about your stay abroad?
Besides excellent teaching, Linköping University boasts several outstanding campuses, each offering diverse environments for studying alone or in groups. There are multiple libraries featuring open-space study areas, creative spaces, and chill-out zones where you can take a break from studying. The semester structure generally consists of two study periods, each focusing on a few courses. This allows students to gain a very intense and concentrated understanding of the modules and projects.

Overall, I believe the semester structure positively promotes comprehension and engagement with the course material. The intensive learning culture is more interactive due to the open learning environments, encouraging both collaborative learning and the completion of excellent projects.

Moreover, Linköping University is arguably the best in Sweden for professionally organized student life. It's important to note that everything is organized by students for students and is run very professionally. Student associations organize weekly events and activities, both inside and outside the campus, throughout the year, often in various clubhouses owned by an independent limited company of the Student Unions. These clubhouses include: KårallenTrappenÖratKarhuset KollektivetHerrgårdKår Husett

The main aim of the student unions is to ensure that students receive excellent courses and have a good working environment. They monitor the university's work and assist students in all matters concerning their time at Linköping University. They are also responsible for the welcome period and organize a range of events, from business meetings to parties. Each study program has a section that belongs to one of the student unions. These sections work closely with the Student Unions. In addition to the sections, there are several other student associations offering activities such as water skiing, sailing, horse riding, hiking, theatre, and traveling around Scandinavia, Europe, and other countries. Students enjoy participating in these societies and meeting new people.

I am a member of the Linköping University Choir, Linköping's Studentsångare, one of the best student choirs in Sweden. We won two silver medals at the European Choir Games 2023. I am also a member of the ski club 720 - Linköpings universitets skiförening, which organized two ski trips to the Alps in 2024.

At Linköping, university employees are interactive and maintain close contact with students to support their studies. I was pleasantly surprised and grateful for the students' active participation in student life. It was a fantastic experience. If you go to Linköping, I highly recommend getting involved. It is a great opportunity to meet new friends from Sweden and around the world. However, remember to stay focused on your studies, as you will find an excellent working environment!

What tips would you give to future exchange students?
Enjoy your time there! Get involved in student life! Listen to the podcast "FIKA with us" on Spotify - I listened to it before I moved! This podcast will help prepare you. Enjoy the nature around Linköping and get to know Swedish culture. My semester has been a complete success both personally and academically.

Is there anything else you would like to share?
I was very impressed with the way studying is done in Sweden. In general, there is more emphasis on learning in groups and engaging in numerous projects and group work. Additionally, intense study periods are deliberately interrupted with breaks. During these breaks, Swedes emphasize sports, meeting friends, going out into nature, and having FIKAs.

I really enjoyed studying in Sweden. You can see how much effort has been put into creating a modern study environment. From the variety of programs on offer to the close and interactive teaching methods, student activities, and the great Swedish design of the campus, everything is designed to make students feel comfortable and proud of their university. Overall, this results in a sustainable and successful learning concept.

Ab ins Ausland?

Unsere Studierenden profitieren von der internationalen Vernetzung der Hochschule für Life Sciences. Ein Auslandsaufenthalt bei unseren Partnerschulen ist bei Bachelor- wie auch Master-Studierenden sehr begehrt. Nicht nur, um den persönlichen Horizont zu erweitern, sondern auch, um neue soziale und kulturelle Kompetenzen zu erwerben.

Im Rahmen unseres Masterprogramms können ausgewählte Studierende durch ein zusätzliches Semester an einer unserer Partnerschulen, zwei Diplome erhalten. Das Double-Degree Programm ist besonders attraktiv für Masterstudierende, die anschliessend eine Promotion anstreben. Weitere Details zum Double-Degree-Programm finden Sie im hier.

Hochschule für Life Sciences FHNW

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Life Sciences Hofackerstrasse 30 4132 Muttenz
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