New professor for historical oboe from September 2025: Antoine Torunczyk
20.12.2024 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisAntoine Torunczyk will teach at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis from the autumn semester 2025/26, succeeding Katharina Arfken. We cordially welcome him as a member of our faculty!
Lecturer for solmisation and general historical music pedagogy: Tabea Schwartz
16.12.2024 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWe are happy to announce that Tabea Schwartz has been elected and look forward to our extended collaboration both at the FHNW/HSM Institute and at the Music School of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
New professor for viola da gamba from September 2025: François Joubert-Caillet
6.12.2024 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisFrançois Joubert-Caillet will teach at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis from the autumn semester 2025/26, succeeding Paolo Pandolfo. We look forward to working with him!
New lecturer for voice for instrumentalists from September 2024: Grace Newcombe
24.6.2024 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisFollowing the retirement of Kathleen Dineen, Grace Newcombe will teach voice for instrumentalists and Medieval-Renaissance ensemble formations at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis from the autumn semester 2024/25. We are looking forward to having her in our faculty!
New Teacher for Renaissance Dance from September 2024: Hubert Hazebroucq
30.5.2024 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisHubert Hazebroucq will teach at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis from the autumn semester 2024/25, succeeding Véronique Daniels. We look forward to having him as a new member of our faculty!
New lecturer for recorder from September 2024: Lea Sobbe
28.3.2024 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisLea Sobbe will be teaching recorder as a main subject, didactics and recorder consort at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis from the autumn semester 2024/25. We are delighted to have her as successor to Katharina Bopp!
New professor for lute instruments from September 2024: Xavier Díaz-Latorre
21.3.2024 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisXavier Díaz-Latorre will teach at the Schola Cantorum Basilienis from the autumn semester 2024/25, succeeding Peter Croton, now also including the teaching of historical guitar instruments. We look forward to working with him!
Season's Greetings
21.12.2023 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWishing you all the best for 2024!
Symposium 2023 on Emotions
7.11.2023 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis23.-25. November 2023
Lecturer for Historical Harp, Focus Medieval and Renaissance Harp from September 2023: Claire Piganiol
10.7.2023 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisClaire Piganiol will specifically teach medieval and renaissance harp as part successor of Heidrun Rosenzweig starting in the autumn semester 2023/24 at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. We look forward to this and wish her all the best.
New lecturer for historical opera and historically informed stage practice from September 2023: Deda Cristina Colonna
5.7.2023 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDeda Cristina Colonna will teach historical opera and stage practice at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis after the retirement of Carlos Harmuch, starting this autumn semester 23/24. We look forward to our continued and increased collaboration!
New professor for notation from September 2023: Uri Smilansky
25.5.2023 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDr. Uri Smilansky will succeed Véronique Daniels as lecturer for notation at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis starting this autumn semester 2023/24. We are looking forward to our collaboration and wish him all the best!
Carolina Bermejo (1990-2023)
9.5.2023 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWe mourn Carolina Bermejo
Early Music Day on 21st March!
14.3.2023 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisParticipation by the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Professor for Baroque Violoncello from September 2023: Petr Skalka
17.2.2023 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisPetr Skalka will succeed Christophe Coin as professor of violoncello at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis starting in the autumn semester 2023/24. We look forward to this new task for him!
Diapason d'or de l'année 2022 for Francesco Corti
29.11.2022 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisCongratulations!
New member of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis directorial team
20.6.2022 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisGreat News - we look forward to working with him!
Sally Jans-Thorpe (1947-2022)
28.5.2022 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWe mourn the loss of our long-time former lecturer Sally Jans-Thorpe.
Aspects of English Song
22.2.2022 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisEssays by Anthony Rooley; edited by Giovanna Baviera & Martin Kirnbauer; introduction by Tess Knighton
New lecturer for historical harps from September 2022: Flora Papadopoulos
25.1.2022 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisFlora Papadopoulos will take over the class for historical harps at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis from the autumn semester 2022/23, succeeding Heidrun Rosenzweig. We look forward to working with our new colleague!
New professor for voice from September 2022: Carlos Mena
25.1.2022 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisCarlos Mena will succeed Ulrich Messthaler as teacher of voice at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis starting in the autumn semester 2022/23. We are looking forward to working with him!
New lecturer for historical horn from September 2022: Alexandre Zanetta
23.12.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisAlexandre Zanetta will teach the class for historical horn at the SCB from September 2022 as successor to Thomas Müller. We look forward to working with him!
New teacher of Gesture and Historical Acting Techniques from September 2021 on: Deda Cristina Colonna
20.7.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDeda Cristina Colonna will be teaching the subject "Gesture and Historical Acting Techniques" at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis from the autumn semester 2021/22.
CD: David Sinclair - Wiener Stimmung
16.6.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWorks for the Viennese Bass from the late 18th Century
CD: Eva Saladin - The Di Martinelli Manuscript
16.6.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisViolinsonaten des späten 17.Jahrhunderts
CD: Michelangelo Rossi: Multitonale Madrigale - Madrigali al Tavolino
16.6.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisEnsemble Domus Artis, Johannes Keller
Martina Papiro (Hg.) Stimme – Instrument – Vokalität
16.6.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisBlicke auf dynamische Beziehungen in der Alten Musik
On the screen instead of the concert hall
19.5.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisConcert streaming at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Basler Jahrbuch für historische Musikpraxis 1977 - 2014 online
12.1.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis -
Winter concert of the series «Vier Jahreszeiten»
7.1.2021 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisSpring - a winter fantasy. The pre-recorded video of the concert is now available here.
New lecturer for historical bassoon from September 2021: Carles Cristobal
30.12.2020 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisCarles Cristobal will take over the Historical Bassoon class at SCB as Donna Agrell's successor starting September 2021. We are delighted that Carles Cristobal is now firmly committed to the SCB, and look forward to working with him!
New professor of recorder from September 2021: Andreas Böhlen
30.12.2020 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisAndreas Böhlen will take over a class for recorder at the SCB as successor of Han Tol from September 2021. We are looking forward to our new colleague and to working together!
3. Basler Orgel Forum
22.7.2020 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisKurse und Konzerte in der Basler Orgellandschaft
Agnese Pavanello (Hg.): Kontrafakturen im Kontext
29.6.2020 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis -
Anne Smith: Ina Lohr (1903–1983) - Transcending the Boundaries of Early Music
24.6.2020 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDer neue Band der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Scripta ist nun erhältlich.
Das Forschungsportal der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis ist aufgeschaltet!
10.6.2020 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis -
CD: José de Nebra (1702-1768) - Vendado es Amor, no es ciego
8.6.2020 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisZarzuela en dos jornadas. Madrid, 1744 - Libretto by José de Cañizares
New Professor for lute from September 2020: Julian Behr
24.1.2020 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWe are pleased to announce the election of Julian Behr as professor for lute at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis / Hochschule für Musik FHNW. Julian Behr succeeds Hopkinson Smith and will take up his position in the fall semester 2020.
Martina Papiro (Hg.) Groß Geigen um 1500 · Orazio Michi und die Harfe um 1600
15.11.2019 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis -
Komposition - Improvisation
11.9.2019 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisA series of events of the bird's eye jazz club and the institutes Klassik; sonic space Basel, Jazz and Schola Cantorum Basiliensis of the Hochschule für Musik FHNW from November 5th - 9th, 2019
Daniele V. Filippi, Agnese Pavanello (Hg.): Motet Cycles between Devotion and Liturgy
18.6.2019 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDer neue Band der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Scripta ist nun erhältlich.
Codici per cantare - I Libroni del Duomo nella Milano sforzesca
16.5.2019 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDaniele V. Filippi, Agnese Pavanello (Hgg.)
3.5.2019 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisThe virtuoso viola da gamba in Italy around 1600
New Professor of voice: Ulrike Hofbauer
19.3.2019 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWe are pleased to announce the selection of Ulrike Hofbauer as professor of voice of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis | Hochschule für Musik FHNW. Ms. Hofbauer will be the successor of Gerd Türk and Evelyn Tubb and will commence with her teaching activities in September 2019.
New Professor of voice in the medieval/Renaissance: Katarina Livljanić
19.2.2019 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWe are pleased to announce the selection of Katarina Livljanić as professor of voice in the medieval/Renaissance department of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis | Hochschule für Musik FHNW. Ms. Livljanić will be the successor of Dominique Vellard and will commence with her teaching activities in September 2019.
Nicoleta Paraschivescu: Die Partimenti Giovanni Paisiellos - Wege zu einem praxisbezogenen Verständnis
11.12.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDer neue Band der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Scripta ist nun erhältlich.
Beredte Musik - Konversationen zum 80. Geburtstag von Wulf Arlt
11.12.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDer achte Band der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Scripta ist nun erhältlich.
Audiofile: Ina Lohr – Frühe Kompositionen
28.11.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisAufnahme des Konzerts vom 10. November 2017 anlässlich des Jubiläums 150 Jahre Musik Akademie Basel
19.10.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDas Generalbass-Compendium von Hans Peter Weber ist ein erstmals 1997 vorgestelltes Skript für die Grundlagen der Generalbasspraxis, das in der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis von Generationen von Studierenden im Gehörbildungsunterricht intensiv genutzt wurde.
47th MedRen 2019 in Basel
19.9.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisThe international Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference took place in Basel from 3 to 6 July 2019
Compendium Improvisation - Fantasieren nach historischen Quellen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
16.3.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisDas Compendium Improvisation erschliesst wichtige Quellentexte zur Improvisationspraxis des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts für den Unterricht auf historischen Tasteninstrumenten für ein breiteres Fachpublikum.
New Lecturer for Historical Trombone beginning September 2018: Catherine Motuz
16.2.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWe are pleased to announce that Ms. Catherine Motuz has been appointed as successor to Charles Toet and will take up the position of lecturer in historical trombone at the Schola Canto-rum Basiliensis FHNW beginning in the 2018/2019 autumn semester.
New Professor for aural training: Ralph Bernardy
15.2.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisWe are pleased to announce that Mr. Ralph Bernardy will take over the position for aural training at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis FHNW from the spring semester 2019 as the successor of Hans Peter Weber.
18.1.2018 | Academy of Music, Schola Cantorum BasiliensisSongs of Consolation - Metra from 11th-century Canterbury