Effects of pollutants on the environment.
The field of Ecotoxicology researches, analyzes and quantifies the effects of pollutants on the environment. This provides important information that can be used to reduce or even prevent negative environmental effects. To make the effects measurable, both in vivo living organisms and in vitro bioassays (cell-based investigation systems) are used. Single substances, complex mixtures or samples direct from the environment can be examined.
At the Institute of Ecopreneurship, the Ecotoxicology group deals with a wide range of research questions and carries out projects in various subject areas. Examples include the use of bioassays in wastewater treatment, the study of the effects of individual organic substances and mixtures on organisms, and the coordination of protective measures for native crayfish species.
Joint Professorship Eawag - FHNWSchool of Life Sciences
The joint professorship between Eawag and the School of Life Sciences FHNW held by Miriam Langer focuses on the training of specialists in the field of applied ecotoxicology. The aim of the collaboration between the School of Life Sciences FHNW and Eawag, the water research institute of the ETH Domain, is to carry out and promote jointly applied ecotoxicological projects. In this way, research approaches should increasingly find their way into practice.