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Specialisation Digital Business

Connect and transform companies digitally


The area of specialisation lets you choose a focus within your studies. Register for the Bachelor in Business Administration (International Management) or the Bachelor in Betriebsökonomie.

Digitalisation is penetrating and changing entire value chains to some extent. There is competitive advantage to be gained by innovatively taking the opportunities offered and creating value.

You are passionate about...

  • the application of digital technologies
  • joined-up thinking and acting
  • innovations to optimise cooperative value creation
  • the design of organisations and processes

Career Opportunities

The Digital Business specialisation will open up the following career areas to you:

  • Management of digital business
  • Project management for digitalisation
  • Supply chain management
  • Digital business analysis / architecture

Digital innovations put into practice

Specialisation in Digital Business

You will get to know current and future fields of action of digital business by visiting innovative companies and working on case studies about implemented digitalisation projects.

Specialisation in Digital Business

With increasing digitalisation and internationalisation, the development of innovative business models and sustainable, efficient business processes is becoming more important.

Manufacturers, retailers and service providers are looking to transform their business models with employees who understand and promote the digitalisation of the value-added network of products and services. To achieve this, they need open-minded and curious employees who have an affinity for digital matters. They will fully grasp the challenges ahead and pursue the innovation potential of digitalisation with customers, employees and suppliers.


The learning content is oriented towards current issues. New developments, technologies and theories are continuously incorporated into classwork. The most important content includes:

  • Digitalisation in purchasing and logistics
  • Digital business models
  • Online commerce
  • Big data
  • Artificial Intelligence

Module description

ECTS Points: 20
Teaching Language: German

-BSc in Business Administration (International Management) - Area of specialisation Digital Business
-BSc in Betriebsökonomie - Vertiefungsrichtung Digital Business

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