Prof. Dr. Claudia Perren
Prof. Dr. Claudia Perren
Functions at the FHNW
- Director Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
- Member of the FHNW Directorate
- FHNW Representative in the Award Commission of the FHNW Foundation
Prof. Dr. Claudia Perren has been the director of the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW since 2020. She graduated with a degree in Architecture from the Weissensee School of Art and Design Berlin in 1997, completed a MAS in History and Theory of Art and Architecture at the ETH Zurich from 1997 to 1998, and earned her PhD in Theory of Architecture and Art at the University of Kassel in 2005. Perren spent the next eight years teaching in the areas of design, architecture and urban planning at the University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney. From 2014 to 2020, she was the director and CEO of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and a partner of the non-profit Bauhaus Kooperation, an affiliation of the Berlin, Dessau and Weimar Bauhaus institutions. During that time, she also presided over the construction of the new Bauhaus Museum Dessau. In the past 20 years, Perren has been responsible for a variety of exhibitions, festivals, conferences, teaching and outreach programmes in many places, including Australia, China, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Further information
Claudia Perren, Quinn Latimer (Eds.), Basel Dialogues: Real Intelligence (and other Flows and Fictions), a Critical Book Series by the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Volume 1, Christoph Merian Verlag Basel, Design by Marietta Eugster, in Dialogue are: Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme, Camila Lucero Allegri, Gabriela Aquije, Johannes Bruder, Ted Davis, Marcel Gygli, Anna Flurina Kälin, Ines Kleesattel, Quinn Latimer, Elise Lammer, Chus Martinez, Lauren Lee McCarthy, Claudia Perren, Mariana Pestana, Alexis Rider, Kambiz Shafei, Himali Singh Soin, Solveig Qu Suess, Casey Reas, Qingyi Ren, Evelyne Roth, Selena Savić, Hanna Sipos, Aylin Yildirim Tschoepe, Nicolaj van der Meulen, Philip Ursprung, Jeffrey Martin Vogt, and Andreas Wenger
Claudia Perren, Lutz Schöbe, Wolfgang Thöner (Hsg.), Bauhaus Dessau. Die Sammlung, Bauhaus Edition 55, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, erschienen anlässlich der Eröffnung des Bauhaus Museum Dessau mit Texten von: Peter Bernhard, Torsten Blume, Monika Margraf, Claudia Perren, Lutz Schöbe, Josipa Špehar, Wolfgang Thöner, Sylvia Ziegner
Claudia Perren, Alexia Poth (Hsg.), Haus Gropius || Zeitgenössisch. Bauhaus Residenz-Programm 2016-2018, Bauhaus Edition 56, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, mit Texten von: Ariane Beyn, Michael Diers, Magdalena Droste, Caroline Jansky, Claudia Perren, Julia Rosenbaum u.a.
Claudia Perren (Hrsg.), Jubiläum, Zeitschrift der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Ausgabe 11, Spector, Leipzig; inkl. Beiträgen von Tarek Barkouni, Joachim Brohm, Franziska Eidner, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Tim Ingold, Monika Markgraf, Claudia Perren, Katrin Schamun, Marietta Schwarz, Valentina Seidel, Laura Weißmüller, u.a.
Claudia Perren, Wolfgang Thöner (Hsg.), Carl Fieger. Vom Bauhaus zur Bauakademie, Bauhaus Edition 52, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, Autorin: Uta Karin Schmidt
Claudia Perren (Hrsg.),
Standard, Zeitschrift der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Ausgabe 10, Spector, Leipzig; inkl. Beiträgen von Dorothee Brill, Alexander Davidson, Claudia Perren, Agnieska Polska, Christoph Wagner, Robin Schuldenfrei, Martino Stierli, Gernot Weckherlin, Antoine Wilmering u.a.
Claudia Perren (Hrsg.),
Substanz, Zeitschrift der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Ausgabe 9, Spector, Leipzig; inkl. Beiträgen von Claudia Perren, Ann-Sophie Lehmann, Jeffrey Saletnik. Torsten Blume, Regina Bittner, Claudia Martinez, Wolfgang Thöner, Paul Weber, Ulrike Wendland, Rolf Kuhn, Markus Hoffmann, Clemens Krauss, Linda Pense, Skylar Tibbits, Kurt W. Forster
Claudia Perren, Alexia Poth, Torsten Blume (Hrsg.),
Große Pläne! Moderne Typen, Fantasten und Erfinder,
Bauhaus Edition 50, Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld; Essays von Beat Wyss, Patrick Rössler, Christiane Keim u.a
Claudia Perren (Hrsg.),
Bewegung, Zeitschrift der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau,
Ausgabe 8, Spector, Leipzig; inkl. Beiträgen von Marion von Osten, Florian Heilmeyer, Charlie Koolhass, Fabienne Eggelhöfer, Ross Anderson; Interviews mit Sasha Walz, Paul Nolte, Bernd Scherer, Angelika Fitz u.a.
Claudia Perren, Sarah Breen Lovett (Hrsg.),
Expanded Architecture – Temporal Spatial Practices,
Bauhaus Edition 47, AADR (Art Architecture Design Research), Spurbuch Baunach; inkl. Arbeiten von Ainslie Murray, Lindsay Webb, Eduardo Kairuz, Francis Kenna, Cottage Industries, Ryuichi Fujimura, Kate Sherman; Essays von Vladimir Belogolovsky, PaolaFavaro, Billy Gruner, Thea Brejzek, Lawrence Wallen u.a.
Claudia Perren (Hrsg.),
Kollektiv, Zeitschrift der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Ausgabe 7,
Spector, Leipzig; inkl. Beiträgen von Boris Friedewald, Gregor Harbusch, Ines Weizmann, Chris Dercon, Estudio SIC, Vesna Mesttric;
Interviews mit Daniel Hug, Pelin Tan, Thomas Demand u.a.
Claudia Perren, Miriam Mlecek (Hrsg.),
Perception in Architecture. Here and Now, Cambridge Scholar Publishing; Essays von Annett Zinsmeister, Arnaud Hendrickx, Tim Ireland, Marian Macken, William Feuerman, Suzi Attiwill, Izabela Wieczorek, Yannis Zavoleas, Malte Wagenfeld u.a.
Claudia Perren, Sarah Breen Lovett (Hrsg.),
Reverse Projections. Expanded Architecture at The Rocks,
Katalog zur Ausstellung und Symposium, Broken Dimanche Press, Berlin; inkl. Arbeiten von Zanny Begg, Simon Weir, Kevin Liu, Edward Leckie, Lindsay Webb, Rachel Couper, Ivana Kuzmanovska, Kate Dunn, Lymesmith / Sonia van de Haar, Joshua Lynch, Richard Goodwin u.a.; Essays von Michael Tawa, Thea Brejzek, Lawrence Wallen, Kate Richards, Cristina Garduño Freeman, Antonia Fredman, Vicki Leibowitz, Yvette Hamilton u.a.
Claudia Perren, Miriam Mlecek (Hrsg.),
URBAN AU II, Ausstellungskatalog,
Stattbad, Berlin; inkl. Arbeiten von Russell Isaac Cole, Tanja Milbourne, Ben Milboune, Zap und Jumbo; Texte von Katja Aßmann, Katja Sergeeva, Din Heagney u.a.; Interviews von Rohan Ranasinghe and Benjamin Norris
Claudia Perren (Hrsg.),
Panorama, Ausstellungskatalog,
USYD, Sydney, mit Beiträgen von Raumlabor, Chris Smith, Francois Blanciak, Jennifer Ferng, Duangfang Lu u.a.
Claudia Perren, Grace Mortlock (Hrsg.),
aMaze, Ausstellungskatalog, USYD, Sydney; mit Beiträgen von Michael Tawa, Glen Hill, David Neustein, Dagmar Reinhardt u.a.
Claudia Perren, Miriam Mlecek (Hrsg.),
URBAN AU: Street/Art/Architecture, Katalog zur Ausstellung
GAD, Canberra, inkl. Arbeiten von Russell Isaac Cole, Tanja Milbourne, Zap und Jumbo; Texte von Sandra Kaji-O’Grady, Ross Anderson u.a.
Claudia Perren, Kristien Ring (Hrsg.),
Wohnraum Moderne_Australische Architektur / Living the Modern_Australian Architecture, Ausstellungskatalog,
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern; Texte von Claudia Perren, Kristien Ring, Richard Blythe, Philip Drew, Philip Goad, Gevork Hartoonian, Tom Heneghan, Hannah Lewi, Elizabeth Musgrave, Peter Wilson u.a.;
„Das begleitende Katalogbuch bietet nicht nur die nötige Übersicht, sondern auch fundierte Essays und Ausblicke von namhaften australischen Architekturtheoretikern.“ Neue Züricher Zeitung
Claudia Perren, Dan Graham/Peter Eisenman – Positionen zum Konzept,
kup, Kassel
“Bauhaus: Awakenings”, keynote talk at the international Impact! From Bauhaus to IKEA conference (30/9–2/10/2019), Sydney, in cooperation with the UTS School of Design, IKEA x UTS Future Living Lab and Goethe-Institut; with Axel Kufus, Andrew McNamara, Alison Page, Iina Vuorivitra, Diandra Pandu Saginatar et al.
“100 Jahre Bauhaus: Aufbrüche”, Hellmut Weese Memorial Lecture at the German Anesthesiology Conference, Leipzig
“Alvaro Siza and the Bauhaus Legacy”, keynote talk and panel discussion involving Alvaro Siza, Claudia Perren and Sergei Tchoban, moderated by Matthias Sauerbruch, ANCB, Berlin, at the opening of the “SIZA – UNSEEN + UNKNOWN” exhibition at the Tchoban Foundation – Museum for Architectural Drawing
“Bauhaus Centenary: Trial and Error”, Architecture Research Forum, S.R. Crown Hall, IIT Chicago
“bauhaus imaginista: Corresponding With”, opening talk for the eponymous exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (4/8–8/10/2018) and the symposium at the Goethe-Institut in Tokyo (5/8/2018), with artistic interventions by Luca Frei and the Otolith Group (Anjalika Sagar/Kodwo Eshun); curator: Marion von Osten and Grant Watson; collaboration between Bauhaus Kooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar, Goethe-Institut and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (HKW); with other editions in Moscow, Hangzhou, Sao Paolo, Lagos, Nottingham and Berne:
“Smarts Talks”, at the Einsteins Spürnase – Ein transdisziplinärer Forschungstag zu Smart Materials conference at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina; with Julia Wolf, Lilo Viehweg, Dagmar Varady, Mattes Brämig, Dr. Claudia Perren, Dr. Shintaro Miyazaki, Aart van Bezooijen et al.
“Hannes Meyer in Dessau and Mexico”, at the opening of the co-op principle – Hannes Meyer and the Concept of Collective Design exhibition, Franz Meyer Museum, Mexico City; in cooperation with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, Goethe-Institut Mexico and Anahuac University Network
Das Prinzip Coop!, at the opening of the “Hannes Meyer and the Concept of Collective Design” exhibition, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, with: Eligio Novello, Salvatore Aprea, Pascal Broulis, Marilyne Anderson et al.
“Museum Revisited”, kick-off talk for the “Museum of the 21st Century. Content – Form – Impact” series, ANCB, Berlin, with: Miriam Mlecek, Dieter Bogner, Nicolaus Schafhausen, Dorothea von Hantelmann et al.
“Meisterhäuser Dessau. Keine Kulisse!/No Stage Sets!” at the Bauhaus and Creativity conference, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China, with: Hang Jian, Gerda Breuer, Eva Forgas, Rudolf Lückmann, Zhang Gan et al.
“Architekturtheorie heute”, a panel discussion with: Kurt W. Forster and Louisa Hutton, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
“Public Art and Architecture”, in the “Communicating Architecture” series, Soho House, Berlin
“Mies und das Museum”, introduction and moderation, colloquium, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, with: David Chipperfield, Beatriz Colomina, Fritz Neumeyer, Dirk Lohan et al.
“More Models: The Future of Architecture Exhibitions”, contribution to the symposium, ETH Zurich, with: Nikolaus Hirsch, Elke Krasny, Sara M. Whiting, Gianluigi Ricuperati et al.
“Urbane Kunst und Architektur”, Aedes Network Campus (ANCB), Berlin
“Exhibition strategies in institutional and noninstitutional spaces”, University of Sydney
“Moving architecture”, University of Sydney
“Think ahead”, as part of the “From Bauhaus to Our House” symposium, Sydney College of the Arts (SCA), in cooperation with Goethe-Institut Australia and the Powerhouse Museum, as a contribution to the Berlin-Sydney programme of the 2011 Sydney Design Festival; with: Prof. Karin Kirsch (Stuttgart), Prof. Colin Rhodes (SCA), Malte Wagenfeld (RMIT), Craig Judd (Wollongong City Gallery) et al.
“Theoretische Erkundungen zeitbestimmter Ereignisse in der Architektur”, Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar
Initiator of PUBLIC ART@FREILAGER-PLATZ together with Sabine Himmelsbach (HEK) and Dr. Ines Goldbach (Kunsthaus Baselland), a joint initiative with the aim of vitalizing the Freilagerplatz with publicly accessible art in order to sustainably increase its quality of stay and strengthen the neighbourhood. PUBLIC ART@FREILAGER-PLATZ #1 (curated by Ines Goldbach) kicked off from May 26 to September 3, 2023 with Jeppe Hein's "Appearing Rooms".
Since 2021
Initiator of "CIVIC", a physical and digital discourse and exhibition space in the foyer of the HGK in Basel, together with Matylda Krzykowski (Artistic Lead), Jenni Schmitt (Project Lead until 2024), Anita Mucolli (Project Lead from 2024), Isabel Seifert and Christoph Miller (Offshore, Visual Design Lead)
Initiated the Open Stage programme at Bauhaus Museum Dessau; artworks included Rita McBride’s “Arena” (9/2019–9/2020) and Lucy Raven’s “Lichtspielhaus” (permanent percent-for-art installation, since 9/2019) and formats included Lichtspielhaus: in Bewegung/in Motion; Arena: Erweitert/Extensions and Arena: Glückstreffer/Blind dates:
Initiated the Bauhaus residency programme in the Muche/Schlemmer Masters’ Houses and curated the “Haus Gropius // Zeitgenössisch” exhibition, in Dessau; together with Alexia Pooth, including artworks by Anael Berkovitz (ISR/USA), Andrea Canepa (PER/DEU), Andrea Grützner (DEU/USA), Rudy Decelière (FRA/CHE), Jakob Gautel (FRA/DEU), Markus Hoffmann (DEU), Minha Lee (KOR), Amor Muñoz (MEX), Wagehe Raufi (DEU), Gabi Schillig (DEU), Sebastian Stumpf (DEU), Martyna Marciniak (POL), Tasha & Monica López De Victoria / TM Sisters (USA) and Marit Wolters (DEU/AUT)
Initiated the “Bauhaus Bauten Dessau: Originale neu erzählt” project, a comprehensive history of all the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau, including 2.5D short films by Michael Leuthner, curators: Florian Strob und Werner Möller,
Project head for the “Große Pläne. Moderne Typen, Fantasten, Erfinder. Die angewandte Moderne in Sachsen-Anhalt 1919–1933” exhibition, Bauhaus Dessau, with sister exhibitions in Halle, Leuna, Magdeburg and Merseburg, Germany (3/5/2016–6/1/2017)
Curated the “Temporal Formal. Expanded Architecture at Seidler City” exhibition and organised the eponymous symposium, together with Sarah Breen Lovett, Sydney (7–8/11), for the 2014 Sydney Architecture Festival, in cooperation with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, the University of Sydney and Sydney Living Museums
Curated the “Analogue” year-end architecture exhibition together with Grace Mortlock, Tin Sheds Gallery, University of Sydney (3/12–9/12/2013)
Curated and organised the “Reverse Projections. Expanded Architecture at the Rocks” symposium (for art, film and architecture) together with Sarah Breen Lovett, Sydney (13/10–9/11/2013), for the Sydney Architecture Festival 2013, in cooperation with the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and The Rocks
Curated the “Peter Wilson - 24 Drawings - Products and Bi-products of Architectural Practice” exhibition, Tin Sheds Gallery in The Hearth, Sydney; supporting programme: “a Tree, its Shadow, a House” workshop and lecture at the University of Sydney (11–18/10/2013)
Curated the “URBAN AU: Street/Art/Architecture” exhibition together with Miriam Mlecek, Gallery of Australian Design (GAD), Canberra (3/8–3/9/2011) and the “Urbans AU II” exhibition, STATTBAD, Berlin (13/6–30/6/2013); including workshops with students from the University of Sydney at the ANCB (Aedes Network Campus Berlin) and participation in the “Smart City: The Next Generation” symposium, Aedes Architektur Forum
Curated the “aMaze” year-end exhibition of the Architecture department, Tin Sheds Gallery, University of Sydney (USYD)
Organised the “Hotspots: Culture, Climate and Architecture in Berlin and Melbourne” symposium in cooperation with the RMIT Gallery and ABC Radio National for the Berlin Dayz programme of Goethe-Institut, Australia
Organised three symposia associated with the “Haus und Stadt. New Architecture from Berlin” exhibition at the Goethe-Institut in Sydney and Melbourne and the Gallery of Australian Design (GAD) in Canberra
Co-curated the “Wohnraum Moderne_Australische Architektur/Living the Modern_Australian Architecture” exhibition with Kristien Ring, on display at Deutsches Architekturzentrum (DAZ) Berlin and in the Wrocław, Tallinn and Helsinki architecture museums
Ewha Global Fellow (EGF) at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea. The EGF program is designed to encourage distinguished scholars from around the world to actively collaborate in research and education with Ewha faculty members. Prof. Dr. Chus Martinez, Head of IAGN was also selected Ewha Global Fellow for the same period.
2022 – 2024
Project leader "DIEO in art and design schools", together with co-program leaders Mayar El Bakry, Maya Ober, Laura Pregger; a cooperation of HGK Basel and ZHDK; funded by swissuniversities in the framework of: Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities in Higher Education Development
Initiated the Bauhaus Open Studios academic programme of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, involving universities, art and design academies and other educational initiatives from places such as Haifa, Newcastle, Miami, Cairo, Beirut, Sydney, Edinburgh, Tallinn and Tokyo:; and the Bauhaus Open Stage programme:
Co-founded the Bauhaus Agents programme in Berlin, Dessau and Weimar to foster collaboration with local schools and museums:
Taught the “Raumstrategien” module of the International Joint Master’s Programme in European Architecture at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and at universities in Tallinn, Lisbon, Haifa, Berlin, Innsbruck and Ljubljana
Head of the Summer Academy, University of Sydney (USYD), Curatorial Practice: “Kunst und Architektur on site and nonsite”, Aedes Network Campus Berlin (ANCB)
Taught and headed the first, second and third-year students in the Draft/Design Studio department and School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, University of Sydney (USYD)
Taught and headed the curatorial practice area in the bachelor’s and master’s programme of the School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning, University of Sydney (USYD)
Represented the Architecture department in the First Year Experience Working Group (FYEWG), University of Sydney (USYD)
Reviewed doctoral (PhD) and master’s (MPhil) theses, University of Sydney (USYD) and University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Member of the academic selection committee for the “Immaterial Materialities: Materiality and Interactivity in Art and Architecture” Interstices Under Construction Symposium, Sydney
Taught the Theory and History of Art and Architecture in the Architecture, Design and Urban Planning department, University of Sydney (USYD), and in the bachelor’s and master’s programmes of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Member of the academic selection and organisational committee for the “Spatial Phrases” SEAM Symposium (dance/film/architecture), Sydney
Since 2025
Member of the Academic Board of the European University Alliance Challenge EU
Since 2023
FHNW Representative in the Award Commission of the FHNW Foundation
Since 2022
Vice President of the Foundation for Art and Design in Basel (FAB)
Since 2015
Jury member of the German Ecodesign Award, Berlin
Additional posts in juries and advisory boards, 2015–2024
- Advisory Board Architecture Week Basel (AWB)
- Board of trustees of the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
- Advisory board of the SNB Bern visitors centre
- International architecture competition for design of Bauhaus Museum Dessau
- Percent-for-art competition for Bauhaus Museum Dessau
- Hannes Meyer Award
- German contribution to the Venice Biennale of Architecture
- SYN Award of the SYN Stiftung Kunst Design Wissenschaft
- Advisory board of White City Center, Tel Aviv
- Foresight Filmfestival
- International Marianne Brandt Contest
Prof. Dr. Claudia Perren
- Director Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
- Telephone
- +41 61 228 43 46 (direct)
- Y2xhdWRpYS5wZXJyZW5AZmhudy5jaA==
- FHNW Academy of Art and Design
Freilager-Platz 1
4142 Münchenstein near Basel - room D7.01
Dreispitz Basel / Münchenstein
- Telephone
- +41 61 228 44 00
- aW5mby5oZ2tAZmhudy5jaA==