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Data Science

Data science is the foundation of artificial intelligence and has become the driving force of digitalised society, business and industry. The ability to understand and use data volumes from images and text (natural language processing) enables creative and profitable applications and optimisation approaches. In this specialisation, you will learn these skills, deal with the entire data value chain and prepare yourself for one of the most attractive and sought-after professions of our time.

Data Science is a specialisation in the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree programme.

The specialization Data Science is about the extraction of knowledge from data. You will learn how data is obtained, structured into information and finally refined into knowledge. You will get to know and use current methods and technologies.

The specialization takes place in the last third of your studies and consists of specialized lecture modules ("Machine Learning", "Natural Language Processing", "Efficient Algorithms", "Image Processing" etc.) and a "Workshop Data Science", in which the latest developments are theoretically and practically processed. In the lower semesters, preparatory modules ("Statistics for Data Science", "Introduction to Data Science with Python", "Data Wrangling", "Information Visualization" etc.) are offered, which introduce the topic and important tools.


Fig. 1: Sequence-to-sequence model for automated text summary from the field of NLP / Machine Learning, as developed and used at the Institute for Data Science

Data Science at the FHNW School of Engineering

With the Institute for Data Science, we have many years of expertise in handling, processing and visualising information deriving from data. This expert knowledge is incorporated directly into various different educational and further development courses in Data Science: