Centre of Sustainable Business and Circular Economy
The economy in modern societies is still strongly influenced by linear thinking: resources are taken from the planet (Take), transformed into products (Make), and these are disposed of or destroyed as waste after use (Waste). This behavior changes the environment of planet Earth in a way that endangers the long-term survival of humanity.
Establishing a sustainable and regenerative economic system requires concepts that enable companies to break away from linear approaches and develop innovative, circular business models. For this to happen credibly and verifiably, these must be embedded in strategies of sustainable corporate governance.
The Center for Sustainable Business and Circular Economy imparts the necessary knowledge and skills to companies and other organizations in its practice-oriented research projects and educational offerings to consistently seize the opportunities of a circular economy and successfully compete in the market with sustainable business models. At the same time, it networks with other relevant groups in society to realize the great transformation of society in a joint effort.
Challenges and Competitions
Lecturer, Institute of Management