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Institute of Mobile and Distributed Systems

We are a multidisciplinary computer sciences institute specialising in the Internet of Things (IoT) and IT security.

We use our sound expertise in computer sciences to research the limitations of convergence between the real and virtual world to develop large, distributed and complex computer sciences systems that can interact with the physical world. For us, the Internet and its proven technologies play a central role here: with its open standards and robustness, the Internet presents an ecosystem and a communication platform that supports a high scalability and expandability; a key issue for any computer engineer.

In the three research fields of IT Engineering, Fast Data and IT Security, we apply our expertise in constructing complex distributed IT systems, timely processing and safe handling of data streams.

Selected projects

Web diagnosis of production plants

A newly developed diagnostics tool ensures worldwide remote monitoring of complex production plants in real time.

to Web diagnosis of production plants

Convergence of building automation and the IT world

Building automation in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT).

to Convergence of building automation and the IT world

Energy schedule

The FHNW School of Engineering has developed a useful tool to help distribution network operators cope with load management and energy procurement.

to Energy schedule

Our lab infrastructure

The Institute of Mobile and Distributed Systems has state-of-the-art laboratory and simulation infrastructure. Discover our labs!

Our lab infrastructure

Hochschule für Technik FHNW, Brugg-Windisch

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Technik und Umwelt Bahnhofstrasse 6 5210 Windisch
More information about the location