About us - Discover Basel Academy of Music
Portrait – Campus and Infrastructure – Director's Board – MOM –
Student Body – Diversity and Equal Opportunities – Development of teaching –
Campus und Infrastruktur
Campus Musik-Akademie Basel
Ein Ort für Musik, für Musikerinnen und Musiker aus Basel, der Region, der ganzen Welt
Auf dem Campus der Musik-Akademie Basel begegnen und inspirieren sich Dozierende und Studierende, Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene aus Basel und der ganzen Welt. Er beheimatet neben der Hochschule für Musik auch die Musikschule Basel. Historische Gebäude, ein charmanter Innenhof, eine moderne Bibliothek mit Lernplätzen und mehrere Konzertsäle bilden ein lebendiges Ensemble. Zahllose Konzerte rund ums Jahr sind für die breite Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Eine Cafeteria mit Aussenbestuhlung macht den Ort zu einem beliebten Treffpunkt.
Der Campus ist zu Fuss innerhalb 10 Minuten oder mit dem Bus Nr. 30 bis Steinenschanze innerhalb 5 Minuten vom Bahnhof SBB erreichbar, natürlich gibt es auch zahlreiche Fahrradstellplätze rund um den Campus. Autoparkplätze gibt es in den städtischen Parkhäusern.
Musik-Akademie Basel
Leonhardsstrasse 6
4009 Basel
Lageplan Campus Musik-Akademie
Jazzcampus Basel
Eine Perle für den Jazz
Hochschule für Musik, Musikschule, Jazzclub, Begegnungsort und ein europaweit einmaliges Gebäudeensemble: das ist der Jazzcampus der Musik-Akademie Basel und der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz. Ein Ort für Jazz, für Musiker:innen, für Basel und für Jazzbegeisterte jeden Alters. Ein Labor für eine wegweisende Musikform unserer Zeit, die in Basel gelebt und in die weite Welt hinaus vermittelt wird.
Der Campus ist mit dem Tram Nr. 2 bis Wettsteinplatz oder mit dem Tram Nr. 8 bis Rheingasse vom Bahnhof SBB erreichbar, natürlich gibt es auch zahlreiche Fahrradstellplätze vor dem Campus. Autoparkplätze gibt es in den städtischen Parkhäusern.
Jazzcampus Basel
Utengasse 15
4058 Basel
Campus 2040
We are forging ahead with the refurbishment and construction project with a view to the futureWe are forging ahead with the refurbishment and construction project with a view to the future Campus 2040
Director's Board HSM Basel FHNW
The Director's Board is responsible for the strategic direction and operational management of HSM Basel FHNW.
It consists of the Director, the heads of the institutes, the Director's Officer/Head of University Development, Head of Services HSM Basel and assistant positions.
Director's Board HSM Basel FHNW
MOM is the representative staff body at the FHNW. Participation has been governed by the FHNW collective labour agreement (GAV) since 1 January 2007.
The purpose of the Basel Academy of Music FHNW Participatory Commission is to represent staff interests at the Academy level and become involved in the running of current operations according to the respective areas of participation and participatory rights.
The Basel Academy of Music FHNW Academy Participatory Commission includes lecturers, research associates, as well technical and administrative staff members from of the Academy’s institutes, in consideration of appropriate gender representation.
allgemeine MailadresseStudent Body
The Student Body of the Basel Academy of Music represents the interests of the students of HSM Basel. It promotes the exchange of experiences among students from all institutes and degree programmes, supports student projects, communicates with lecturers and the director and is involved on behalf of selected committees at the Academy.
One member of the student council is on the board of students.fhnw, the student organization of the FHNW. This represents the interests of all FHNW students. The board consists of nine members from the nine schools of the FHNW, sets the strategic direction of the student organization and controls the office.
Diversity and Equal Opportunities
The FHNW and the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW recognize and endorse with their diversity policy the rich cultural and social backgrounds of their students and staff members and promote the awareness of diversity as a potential and resource. The principles of diversity and equality find clear expression at the federal level, in university law, in the FHNW treaty, as well as in numerous strategic papers and documents. The existence of a central staff unit and part-time equal opportunities officers at each university underpin the significance of the principle of diversity and equality.
For Further informations visit the Diversity-Website for the entire FHNW
Trained counsellors are available to all students, employees and participants in continuing education throughout the FHNW for low-threshold counselling. These counsellors are bound to confidentiality and can be chosen freely.
Students can find further information on the Basel University of Music intranet.
Development of teaching
Excellent university teaching in music is our common concern; artistic expertise and a teaching personality with charisma form the foundation of university teaching in music. The application of numerous suitable prospective students is an important indicator in this respect.
The lecturers at HSM Basel are committed to the high quality of their teaching. They are obliged to carry out at least one self-evaluation of their teaching per academic year. Their own teaching development is therefore an integral part of teaching and is aimed at both the continuous process of personal improvement and the joint development of music teaching as a whole. Furthermore, teaching development is an integral part of our collective cultural development process.
Dozent für Fachdidaktik Trompete / Unterrichtspraxis mit Video / Qualitätsmanagement Hochschule für Musik
You can access the FHNW job portal here.
Communication with the public - We are available for media professionals
Our Coordinates
Leonhardsstrasse 6
4009 Basel