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Civilian and military service

Information on the compatibility of studies and military or civilian service.

Military service

Members of the armed forces are generally obliged to perform military service. Requests for postponement of military service will only be supported if the immediate completion of military service would result in significant disadvantages, such as an extension of the duration of studies. It is strongly recommended that, if possible, military service be completed during the course of study in order to minimize the number of days of service outstanding at the end of the course. As an alternative to complete postponement of service, partial service, service interruptions or applying for individual days of leave can be considered. In this way, at least part of the service obligation can be fulfilled, which helps to reduce the backlog of outstanding service days.

Further information on postponements can be found here:

Website of the Swiss Armed Forces

Reasons for a shift

The ZSA will support a request for a postponement in the following cases:

  • Absences during the lecture period
  • Examinations
  • Writing the Bachelor's or Master's thesis
  • Internships & excursions

Requests for private reasons must be submitted independently.

Application form for deferment of service

The application form for deferment of service must be completed in full and sent by e-mail to the Central Student Administration Office. The ZSA will then forward the application to the relevant cantonal military authority. The decision on the application will be communicated directly to the applicant.

In the case of an application for partial service, the service will be shortened (either through delayed enlistment or early departure). An interruption of service can be requested if only a few days off are required in the middle of the service. Service postponement requests must be submitted at least 14 weeks before the start of the service, or immediately in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Deferment form (->

Holiday requests

A request for leave can also be submitted if there are only a few days of absence. The commander is responsible for holiday requests. Requests for leave must be submitted to the commander at least 4 weeks before the start of the shift or immediately in the event of unforeseeable circumstances.

Civil protection

You can find information on civil protection service transfer requests on the websites of the cantonal civil defence offices.

Civil protection (Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz)

Civil Service

You can find information on deferment of civil service on the website of the Federal Office for civil Service.

ZIVI (Bundesamt für Zivildienst)

Bild: Zentrum digitale Medien der Armee DMA, Corinne Glanzmann,

Dreispitz Basel

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Basel Academy of Art and Design Freilager-Platz 1 4142 Münchenstein near Basel
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