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29.5.2024 | Basel Academy of Art and Design, Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures

Dr Kit Braybrooke appointed as new Professor of Transversal Design at the HGK Basel

Dr Kit Braybrooke will be Professor and Head of the new MA programme Transversal Design at the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) of the HGK Basel starting 1 August 2024.

Dr. Kit Braybrooke will be Professor and Head of the new MA programme Transversal Design at the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) of the HGK Basel starting 1 August 2024.

Prof. Dr. Kit Braybrooke is a transmedia designer and researcher working globally to explore how systems make worlds. Their practice asks how technological innovation can invite more-than-human networks (animal, vegetal, machine, and algorithmic) to walk together across new terrains. They bring 15 years of expertise in applying feral digital methods in industry, academia and the public sector, in collaboration with networked publics around the world.

Since 2020, Kit Braybrooke has directed the critical design studio wê & üs, which explores intersectional feminist approaches to co-creation for systems change alongside communities in Europe, Asia and Canada. They are a co-founder of Art Tech Nature Culture, a 500-member network for creative practitioners engaged in ecological regeneration, and Digital Commons Policy Council, which critically explores labour and politics of the commons. Their experience includes working with Telefonica to equip 100,000 young people across the UK with digital making skills as co-design lead of Mozilla; building living labs for sustainable development in China and Germany with farmers, planners and policymakers; supporting 100 community groups in 25 nations working on digital access, rights and justice for Open Knowledge Foundation; co-designing digital tools for inclusion with hard-to-reach publics of cultural institutions in London and Tokyo; and curating high-profile public programmes including Open Knowledge Festival with Finnish Institute in London and Aalto University Fab Lab in Helsinki.

Their work has been featured in venues including TATE Modern, Arafura Mexico, Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A), Uroboros Festival, Portland Art Gallery, RTVE Spain, BBC News, Guardian, Branch, and DAZED Magazine. They hold a PhD in Media and Cultural Studies, Digital Humanities Lab, University of Sussex, and a MSc in Digital Anthropology, University College London.

In addition to their extensive practice, they have taught at institutions including Royal College of Art, King’s College London, ArtEZ Netherlands, and Tongji University China, and held positions in the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, Institute for Transformations of Human-Environment Systems, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University Vancouver, and Department of International Urbanism & Design, Technische Universität Berlin.

We wish Prof. Dr. Kit Braybrooke all the best for their start at the HGK Basel! The date of Kit Braybrooke’s inaugural lecture will be announced later.

The contact details of Kit Braybrooke will soon be published on the website of the HGK Basel.

Further information

Photo: Jessica Jacobson, Woodsmoke Studio 

Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM)

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Basel Academy of Art and Design, Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM), Highrise: D. 3.01 Freilager-Platz 1 CH - 4142 Münchenstein near Basel