Dr. Pascal Moriggl
Dr. Pascal Moriggl
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
- Dozent für MSc in Wirtschaftsinformatik, BSc in Wirtschaftsinformatik, BSc in International Management
- Senior Researcher am Kompetenzzentrum Digital Trust
- Forscher in den Bereichen Distributed Ledger Technology, Informationssicherheit, Supply Chain und eHealth
- Dozent und Coach in den Bereichen Blockchain, Datenschutz und Ethik, Cybersicherheit, persönliche IT-Sicherheit, Unternehmenssysteme, dezentralisierte autonome Organisationen, Informationssysteme
- Coaching und Betreuung von Master- und Bachelor-Arbeiten
- Projektleiter in angewandten Forschungsprojekten, die durch verschiedene Agenturen und Institutionen finanziert werden
Bereiche der Expertise
- Distributed Ledger Technology
- Informationssicherheit
- Datenschutz und Ethik
- Unternehmenssysteme
- Master of Science in Business Information Systems
- Cybersecurity
- Bachelor of Science in BIT / IM / WInf / Boek
- Advanced Excel
- Wie Schütze Ich Meine Daten
- Information Security
- Enterprise Systems
- Einführung Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Distributed-Ledger-Technologie
- Kryptowährungen und Token
- Informationssicherheit
- Datenschutz und Ethik
- Enabling digital supply chain integration through blockchain technology - selective perspectives in healthcare
Schweizer Forschungsprojekte
- AltersAtlas
- 2 PFES-ES: Situationsgerechte Auswahl und Einsatz von Instrumenten des Lieferantenmanagements in der internationalen Beschaffung
- 2 INNO-ICT: Blockchain-based Data Governance for Laboratories
- 1 INNO-ICT: Evaluation of the potential to set up "Serialization Scenarios" based on a "Distributed Ledger Technology
- FHNW05052020DCCTSFP DCCTS - Decentralized Component Certificate Tracking System - SSO Positioning Measures 2020
- KBA-NotaSys Integrity Fund - Integrity@Inside – Blockchain-based Whistleblowing
- network Supernode Operator
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Moriggl, P., Asprion, P., & Schneider, B. (2023). Blockchain und Datenschutz – Hyperledger Sawtooth im Fokus. In R. Dornberger (ed.), Neue Trends in Wirtschaftsinformatik und eingesetzte Technologien. Digitale Innovation und digitale Transformation (pp. 317–332). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-32538-0_20
Peer-reviewedMoriggl, P., Asprion, P., Schneider, B., & Scherb, C. (2023). Touching space: distributed ledger technology for tracking and tracing certificates. In T. X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 4306–4315). https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-7306
Peer-reviewedSchneider, B., Ballesteros, R., Moriggl, P., & Asprion, P. (2022). Decentralized autonomous organizations – Evolution, challenges, and opportunities. In D. Bork, S. Barat, P. Asprion, A. Marcelletti, A. Morichetta, B. Schneider, V. Kulkarni, R. Breu, & P. Zech (Eds.), Proceedings of the PoEM 2022 Workshops and Models at Work. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-7346
Moriggl, P., Asprion, P., & Schneider, B. (2020). Blockchain technologies towards data privacy – Hyperledger Sawtooth as unit of analysis. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), New trends in business information systems and technology. Studies in systems, decision and control (pp. 299–313). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48332-6_20
Peer-reviewedMoriggl, P., Asprion, P., & Kramer, F. (2020). Blockchain as an enabler for cybersecurity use case: electronic health records in Switzerland. In P. Asprion, S. Bāliņa, P. Forbrig, J. Kampars, M. Kirikova, C. Møller, A. Morichetta, B. Roelens, & K. Sandkuhl (Eds.), PoEM 2020 workshops. Workshops co-organized with the 13th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (pp. 80–91). Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-6849
Peer-reviewedAsprion, P., Schneider, B., Moriggl, P., & Grimberg, F. (2020). Exploring cyber security awareness through LEGO serious play part I: the learning experience. In V. Dermol (Ed.), MakeLearn 2020: expanding horizons; business, management and technology for better society. Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference, 20-22 May 2020, Online Conference. ToKnowPress. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-6807
Peer-reviewedAsprion, P., Hübner, P., & Moriggl, P. (2019). Towards a distributed ledger system for supply chains. In T. X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. https://doi.org/10.24251/HICSS.2019.561
Dr. Pascal Moriggl
- Dozent, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Telefonnummer
- +41 61 279 18 16 (Direkt)
- cGFzY2FsLm1vcmlnZ2xAZmhudy5jaA==
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Wirtschaft
Peter Merian-Strasse 86
4052 Basel