Measurement technologies
Application of various active and passive optical measurement methods through to laser spectroscopic measurement methods for analysing sprays, flows and combustion diagnostics.
The institute has many years of experience and expertise in the field of experimental methods, measurement techniques and flow measurements (liquid and gaseous; laminar/turbulent). Flow, temperature and pressure are measured, analysed and optimised. In addition, measurements are carried out on sprays and droplets (droplet sizes, distribution and velocities). In the field of combustion research, expertise lies in the diagnosis of combustion processes. Experimental questions can be investigated through the development of test benches, the use of suitable measurement technology and the analysis of measurement data.
Optical measurement technology at the FHNW Institute of Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Our optical measurement technology enables the visualisation and investigation of flows, sprays and temperature distributions. Quantitative measurements can often only be achieved optically without influencing the boundary conditions or the application itself. The experimental data is often used to further analyse the processes as a basis for validating simulations.
- Various high-speed cameras in the infrared range are used with different measurement methods for optical analyses.
- Expertise in the field of optical analysis using high-speed cameras includes shadow imaging, schlieren, BOS, IR measurements, PDA/LDA, PIV and other methods.
- Thermal cameras and heat flow sensors are used to dynamically analyse heat transitions and thermal effects.
An important part of combustion process development is the analysis of combustion processes by means of indexing. In addition to imaging methods, sensors for pressure indexing and heat release are also being investigated and further developed. The issues are often so complex that conventional measurement methods cannot provide sufficient answers. We are therefore also developing new approaches in measurement technology to obtain the desired results.
Contact and cooperation
We look forward to putting our constantly advancing measurement expertise to work for you. If you have any questions or are interested, please contact us.