Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office fitt.ch
Gain fast access to the competence of the universities.
The knowledge and technology transfer office fitt.ch provides companies with uncomplicated and rapid access to the know-how and resources of the FHNW.
Thanks to the expertise and laboratory facilities of the UASNW, technological and business management issues can be addressed, as can challenges related to digital transformation, globalisation or sustainability. Depending on the task, this takes place within the framework of publicly funded research projects, specific consulting mandates or in the form of projects with students. Regardless of this, the solutions are developed in close exchange with the client and the results are treated confidentially.
Our offer
- Anlaufstelle für Unternehmen. Wir suchen je nach Ihrer Herausforderung die passende Ansprechperson.
- Innovation support: Advice on technical, economic and process-oriented issues.
- Procurement of student projects
- Conception and realisation of applied research projects (incl. clarification of possible funding sources, e.g. applications to Innosuisse)
- Access to infrastructure and know-how of the FHNW development laboratories
- Access to FHNW graduates
Head of Knowledge and Technology Transfer fitt.ch

About fitt.ch
fitt.ch is the knowledge and technology transfer office of the FHNW and the AIHK. fitt.ch stands for research, innovation and technology transfer.
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