We would be pleased to carry out research and development for you, and also advise and support you with your questions.
Our main objective in our research is a sustainable improvement in outcomes for our clients and the transfer of knowledge to our teaching and consulting. We develop scientifically-based, innovative solutions to current challenges in collaboration with private and public organisations. Our competence centres draw on the interdisciplinary knowledge and expertise of our extensive network of international partners in practice and academia. The insights gained from our latest research continually flow into our teaching practice in undergraduate and continuing education.
Depending on the issues raised and the available budget, you can choose between different forms of research cooperation, from student projects and commissioned research to government-sponsored research projects along with other practice partners.
Typical research activity
- Study for company / organisation ("contract research")
- Research project supported by the Federal Government or other funding organisation (CTI / SNF, Gebert Rüf, etc.)
- International research project supported by the EU
Typical service activity
- Secondary analyses of all types (including data analyses)
- Steering of strategy, organisational or cultural development
- In-house development
- Key note and workshop
- Coaching and monitoring of processes
- Expertise and audit
Student projects
Get students involved in your projects. more...
Contact research
Head of Institute of Management
Contact for services
Head of Institute for Competitiveness and Communication