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The team of the research field Bioprocess Technology of the Institute of Pharma Technology FHNW.

Team Leader

Prof. Dr. Thomas Villiger
Prof. Dr. Thomas Villiger

Lecturer in Bioprocess Technology Team leader Bioprocess Technology

Telephone +41 61 228 52 46 (direct)

Team Members

Marcel Blanke
Marcel Blanke

Scientific Assistant

Dr. Corentin Briat
Dr. Corentin Briat

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 58 02 (direct)
Louis Hellequin
Louis Hellequin

PhD Student

Telephone +41 61 228 57 69 (direct)
Julia Müller
Julia Müller

PhD Student

Telephone +41 61 228 53 06 (direct)
Dr. Maike Otto
Dr. Maike Otto

Scientific Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 63 08 (direct)
Sherin Panikulam
Dr. Matteo Planchestainer
Richard Plieninger
Jennifer Redmond
Jennifer Redmond

Scientific Assistant

Telephone +41 61 228 56 93 (direct)
Daniela Tobler
Daniela Tobler

Technical Assistant

Telephone +41 61 228 54 86 (direct)

Institute for Pharma Technology

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences, Institute for Pharma Technology Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
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