Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Reineke
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Reineke
Activities at FHNW
- Deputy Program Manager Swiss-Asian MBA
- Deputy Program Manager MBA-MCI, Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam
- Technical and Scientific Manager of the Swiss Innovation Challenge
- Lecturer
As Head of MBA Programs at the School of Business, Rolf-Dieter Reineke's main focus at the FHNW is on continuing education. He also carries out applied research and consulting projects in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation and international management, including the Swiss Innovation Challenge.
In addition, he holds mandates as a board member, consultant, trainer and coach, as well as visiting professor and guest lecturer at universities and corporate universities in Europe and Asia.
Before joining FHNW, he worked for leading international consulting companies and at well-known universities abroad. All in all, Rolf-Dieter Reineke has gained more than 30 years of experience as a consultant, trainer and entrepreneur in more than 40 countries, with a regional focus on Europe and Asia.
Dr. Reineke is a graduate economist (Dipl.-Volkswirt (MSc Economics, University of Münster/Germany). There he also received his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) with a focus on International Management and in connection with a stay as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign/USA.
Further information: LinkedIn
Current teaching assignments and topics
- International Management/Agile Internationalization
- Management Consulting
- Problem Solving Methods
- Strategic Management
- Agile Leadership
- Entrepreneurship
Courses at the FHNW
- Master of Business Administration FHNW
- Swiss-Asian MBA
- MBA - Management Consulting International
Consulting and coaching mandates with various organizations on the topics
- Internationalization and Intercultural Management
- Strategic Management/Organization
- Management Consulting/Consultant Training
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Change Management and Agile Leadership/Learning Architectures
- Cooperation Management
- Project and Interim Management
- Sustainable Investments and Start-Up Companies
- Development Consulting/Development Cooperation
List of research projects available on request.
No peer reviewed content available
Reineke, R.-D., & Gottschall, O. (2024). Sustainable entrepreneurship. A cross-country comparison. In A. H. Verkuil (Ed.), Start-up cultures in times of global crises. Sustainable and innovative approaches (pp. 113–128). Springer Cham.
Reineke, R.-D., & Verkuil, A. H. (2023). Forschungsbericht Nachhaltiges Entrepreneurship. Ergebnisse der Tracer Study. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW.
Milow, U. (2021). International entrepreneurship and innovation. Selected case studies from the Swiss Innovation Challenge (U. Milow, R.-D. Reineke, & A. H. Verkuil, Eds.). edition gesowip.
Reineke, R.-D., & Seeberger, R. (2021). Case Jinn-Bot Robotics Design GmbH. In U. Milow, R.-D. Reineke, & A. H. Verkuil (eds.), International Entrepreneurship and Innovation (pp. 189–210). edition gesowip.
Reineke, R.-D., Portmann, A., & Reber, M. (2021). Case Brextor. In U. Milow, R.-D. Reineke, & A. H. Verkuil (Eds.), International entrepreneurship and innovation (pp. 211–218). edition gesowip.
Reineke, R.-D., & Zehnder, U. (2019). Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 in Spitälern - Herausforderungen. In V. Schulte & A. H. Verkuil (eds.), Entrepreneurship in der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Sachlage, Trends und Ausblicke (1 ed., pp. 153–162). Hogrefe.
Reineke, R.-D., & Hinz, A. (2018). Agile Internationalisierung. In A. H. Verkuil, B. Hell, R. Kirchhofer, & M. Aeschbacher (eds.), Gründung, Innovation, Nachfolge (pp. 165–192). edition gesowip.
Reineke, R.-D., Joerin Fux, S., Lakoni, E. S., & Thiel, M. (2018). Kooperationskompetenzen - Konzepte und Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie im D.A.CH-Raum. In A. H. Verkuil, B. Hell, R. Kirchhofer, & M. Aeschbacher (eds.), Gründung, Innovation, Nachfolge (pp. 125–140). edition gesowip.
Hübenthal, S., & Reineke, R.-D. (2016). Management für Health Professionals. Innovatives Rekrutierungsmanagement als Teil zukünftigen Personalmanagements (1 ed.). Hogrefe.
Peer reviewedReineke, R.-D., & Hinz, A. (2016). Agile Internationalisation. In M. Universiti Teknologi (Ed.), International Conference on Innovation in Business and Strategy.
Philippi, S., Reineke, R.-D., & Verkuil, A. H. (2015, July 1). Innovation, Beilage SwissInnovation Challenge. Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, 32.
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, April 10). Kooperationsmanagement in KMU. Organisator, 2015(4), 24–25.
Reineke, R.-D., & Lakoni, S. (2015, March 23). Kooperationsmanager – Multitasking-Talente der Unternehmenswelt. Tages Anzeiger, 27–28.
Reineke, R.-D. (2014, December 28). Industrial Zones and Clusters: International Experiences in Sustainable Industrial Policy – Policy Implications. UNIDO / GIZ Kongress: Industrial Zones and Clusters: International Experiences in Sustainable Industrial Policy.
Peer reviewedReineke, R.-D. (2014). The Umbrella Concept – A New Internationalization Perspective. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2014(2), 13–18.
Reineke, R.-D. (2013). Corporate Universities als Plattform für Personalentwicklung und internes Consulting. In U. Pekruhl (ed.), Erfolgsfaktor Personalmanagement (pp. 149–162). WEKA.
Reineke, R.-D. (2013). Consulting in the context of the AEC 2015 economic integration process. Consulting Management Forum.
Reineke, R.-D. (2013). Corporate Universities als Plattform für Personalentwicklung und internes Consulting. In U. Pekruhl (ed.), Erfolgsfaktor Personalmanagement. WEKA.
Reineke, R.-D. (2012). The Umbrella Concept - Results of the SME and Start-up Survey.
No peer reviewed content available
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, October 6). Business Concept. CTI-Entrepreneurship Modul 2.
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, May 6). Unternehmensnachfolge. UBS Seminar Unternehmensnachfolge.
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, April 15). Economic development in ASEAN countries today and tomorrow. Seminar Südostasien der Universität Bonn (BAPP).
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, April 15). Possibilities for German/European companies to enter the ASEAN market. Seminar Südostasien der Universität Bonn (BAPP).
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, April 15). The “New Tiger States” in Southeast Asia - political, economic and cultural facts & figures. Seminar Südostasien der Universität Bonn (BAPP).
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, March 2). Foundations of Modern Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Seminar at Tarumanagara University, Jakarta / Indonesia.
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, January 20). SwissInnovation Challenge. Kick Off SwissInnovation Challenge.
Reineke, R.-D. (2014, October 17). Voraussetzungen des Wachstums. CTI-Entrepreneurship Modul 4 Business Development.
Reineke, R.-D. (2014, August 12). Internationalisierung. CTI-Entrepreneurship Modul 4 Business Development.
Reineke, R.-D. (2013, April 17). Change Management bei Veränderungen der Arbeitsbedingungen und der Arbeitsplatzsituation. Fachtagung “Sicherheit und Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz”.
No peer reviewed content available
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, April 15). Erfolgreiche Kooperationen – diese 5 Hürden muss Ihr Unternehmen nehmen.
Reineke, R.-D. (2015, February). Kooperationsmanagement in KMUs (B. Sollberger, ed.). Weiterbildungs-Newsletter der Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW.
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Reineke
- Lecturer, Institute of Management
- Telephone
- +41 56 202 84 87 (direct)
- cm9sZmRpZXRlci5yZWluZWtlQGZobncuY2g=
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Bahnhofstrasse 6
CH – 5210 Windisch