The FHNW is an intercantonal public institute with its own legal entity and the right of self-administration within the framework of the state treaty of 27 October/9 November 2004 and the respective four-year mandate.
The strategic governing body of the FHNW is the University Board, which is selected by the governments of the operating cantons. Operationally, the FHNW is governed by the Presidium of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors.
The parliaments of the four operating cantons are responsible for the overall supervision of the FHNW. These deploy an Interparliamentary Commission (IPK). The four cantonal governments are jointly responsible for supervision of the FHNW; their operations are prepared by the Government Committee/the four Directors of Education. Financial supervision is the responsibility of the Financial Control Departments of the cantons party to the treaty.
University Board
The University Board bears strategic management responsibility and is responsible for supervising the FHNW. This governs the organisation of the FHNW and monitors the quality of the FHNW services. In addition, it is responsible for the execution of the mandate and monitors observance of the budget.
Presidium of the Board of Directors
The Presidium of the Board of Directors is responsible for the operational management of the FHNW.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of the Presidium of the Board of Directors and the Directors of the schools. This advises and makes decisions regarding operations of importance for the whole FHNW. The individual members of the Board of Directors govern their schools.
Employee Participation Organisation (MOM)
MOM refers to the Employee Participation Organisation of the FHNW.
Employee Negotiation Committee
The Employee Negotiation Committee for the collective employment agreement FHNW is a committee of the staff associations party to the agreement and the Employee Participation Organisation (MOM).
students.fhnw is a body of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and the umbrella organisation for the faculties at the individual schools and campuses.
Appeals Commission
The Appeals Commission deployed by the four cantonal governments rules on appeals against rulings by the FHNW.