Ananda Wyss
Ananda Wyss
Activities at FHNW
Research Assistant
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedWyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., Hoveskog, M., Tell, J., Khitous, F., & Norris, N. (2024). Piloting innovative forms of nature-based learning in business schools. Shifting mindsets for regenerative futures and business models to emerge. In Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa (Ed.), NBM2024. 9th International Conference on New Business Models. Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
Wyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Meyer, R. (2023). Der TT-BMI Design Sprint Ansatz zur Initiierung von Geschäftsmodellinnovationen für Nachhaltigkeit mit Studierenden und KMUs. Institut für Unternehmensführung.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., Wyss, A., Kerr, I., & Frasca, J. (2023). Challenging the existing approach to business model innovation for sustainability. How might a co-emergent approach to change move us beyond the “(Business) Model” paradigm. New Business Models Conference Proceedings 2023. International Conference on New Business Models.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., Wyss, A., Hoveskog, M., & Tell, J. (2022). Leveraging business model innovation for sustainability. Tentative principles to support true co-creation between students and SMEs. In L. Michelini, A. Minà, & P. Alaimo Di Loro (Eds.), Sustainable business model challenges. Economic recovery and digital transformation (pp. 1087–1091). LUMSA University.
Wyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Meyer, R. (2021). Inter- und Transdisziplinäre Innovationsansätze mit Studierenden und Firmen: Analyse und Bewertung von bestehenden Best-Practice-Fällen und Ansätzen. Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2021). Educating for sustainability-oriented business model innovation. More collaborative, inter-, and transdisciplinary approaches with students and organizations are needed. International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2021. Creating Spaces and Cultivating Mindsets for Learning and Experimentation, 43–44.
Wyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Meyer, R. (2021). Studierende innovieren zukunftsfähige Geschäftsmodelle für KMUs: Übersicht zu bestehenden Initiativen und Ansätzen. Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., Meyer, R., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2021). Sustainable business model innovation for society 5.0. Towards a collaborative, inter- and transdisciplinary approach with students and organizations. In A. Gerber & K. Hinkelmann (Eds.), Society 5.0 2021. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Society 5.0 (Vol. 2, pp. 246–261).
Peer reviewedWyss, A., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2020). How to better educate for more sustainability. Entrepreneurship for sustainability in business schools. In J. Jonker & N. Faber (Eds.), Proceedings 5th international online conference on new business models (pp. 302–313).
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedPavlova, P., Wyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Daub, C.-H. (2023). A practical recipe for open innovation for the circular economy. Business Model Conference.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2023). Problem-based action learning for sustainability innovation between students and companies. Business Model Conference.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., Meyer, R., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2021). Sustainable business model innovation for society 5.0. Towards a collaborative inter- & transdisciplinary approach with students and organizations. Society 5.0 Integrating Digital World and Real World to Resolve Challenges in Business and Society.
Ananda Wyss
- Research Associate, Institute of Management
- Telephone
- +41 56 202 88 78 (direct)
- YW5hbmRhLnd5c3NAZmhudy5jaA==
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Bahnhofstrasse 6
CH – 5210 Windisch