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HyperWerk is an opportunity space for new and unexpected design solutions; a seedbed for cross-disciplinary project work by and with students, staff, and external specialists. Based at IXDM, HyperWerk provides underpinning for the degree programme Process Design and acts as a seismograph for the often still feeble signs of societal change.

Whether with regard to debates on justice, conflicts on sustainability issues, participation, food, digitalization, migration, or social care: In dealing with the issue of “living together”, we understand liberty as a form of consenting dependency. In this context, it is of primary importance that relationship modes are the subject of ongoing examination, while also being actively supported, encouraged, and modelled. The people at HyperWerk see in diligent process design the potential of creating a sustainable present and future, without downplaying the challenges. What they aim for are new explorative forms of education that require as well as encourage complex processes and collaborative ways of working, in the expectation that they lead to decentralized and fluid networks, collectives, and communities joined by interdependency. HyperWerk is a learning lab that answers to current developments by means of flexible test arrangements and strives to change its own methods by way of experimentation.

Our online magazine HyperMagazine, Instagram, Facebook, Issuu, as well as the website of the publishing house Sedici provide an extensive overview of the work of teachers, researchers and students at HyperWerk.

You can find an extract of the Institute’s bibliography here.


Visit the HyperMagazine and learn more about news, projects and workshops at the HyperWerk Institute.
