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Heute - 2021

2020 - 2016

  • Lebrenz H., Bárdossy A.: Geostatistical interpolation by Quantile Kriging. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS),, 05/2018.
  • Schweiger, A., Pavia, D. & Lebrenz, H. Eröffnung der neuen Wasserbaulabors an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz. Wasserwirtschaft, 2018, 10.
  • Pavia, D. & Lebrenz, H. Hochwässer in der Nordwestschweiz. Eröffnung des Wasserbaulabors, FHNW Muttenz.
  • Pavia, D., Lebrenz, H. & Bárdossy, A. Temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation causing extreme discharges. At: PhD Seminar, Rothenfels, Deutschland, 2018.
  • Pavia, D., Lebrenz, H. & Bárdossy, A. A new approach for the description of discharge extremes in small catchments [Poster]. At: EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2018.
  • Pavia, D., Lebrenz, H. & Bárdossy, A. Parameter estimation: drivers of extreme discharge in the Northwestern Switzerland [Poster]. At: 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Davos, 2017.
  • Lebrenz, H. & Bárdossy, A. Estimation of the Variogramm Using Kendall's Tau for Robust Geostatistical Interpolation. Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 2017, 22(9).
  • Pavia, D., Lebrenz, H. & Bárdossy, A. A new approach for the description of discharge extremes in small catchments [Poster]. At: EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2017.
  • Pavia D., Lebrenz H., Bárdossy A. Assessment of recent flood events at Muttenz [Poster]. At: 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva, 2016.
  • Lebrenz H., Pavia D., Bárdossy A. Reconstruction of missing precipitation data [Poster]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2016.

2015 - 2011

  • Lebrenz, H. Addressing the input uncertainty for hydrological modeling by a new geostatistical method. PhD Thesis. University of Stuttgart, 2012.
  • Lebrenz H., Bárdossy A. An estimation technique for a robust variogram [Poster]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2012.
  • Rabiei E., Lebrenz H., Bárdossy A. Comparison of five different stochastical interpolation methods for daily temperature [Poster]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2012.
  • Li, J., Lebrenz H., Bárdossy A. Quantile Kriging of Temperature data in South Africa regarding inversions [Poster]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2012.
  • Lebrenz, H. An Organization creates bridges – See, Come and Stay. In: DAAD – Programm für die Integration von internationalen Studierenden in die europäische Arbeitswelt, 2nd summary report on practical diversity, 2011.

2010 - 2006

  • Lebrenz H., Bárdossy A. Quantile Kriging: improving the uncertainty [Poster]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010.
  • Lebrenz H. Wertvoll und von Gott gegeben. Interview über die vergangenen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen im internationalen Wasser Ressourcen Management. Reutlinger General-Anzeiger, 28th of November, 2009.
  • Lebrenz H., Bárdossy A. Evaluation of globally available precipitation data products as input to hydrological models [Poster]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2009.

2005 - 2001

  • Boley, A., Mergaert, J., Muller, C., Lebrenz, H., Cnockaert, M. C., Müller, W.-R. & Swings, J. Denitrification and Pesticide Elimination in Drinking Water Treatment with the Biodegradable Polymer Poly(ϵ-caprolactone) (PCL). Acta hydrochim. Hydrobiol., 2003, 31: 195–203.
  • Boley, A.; Muller, C.; Lebrenz, H.; Müller, W.-R. Entwicklung von Einfachtechnologien zur Nitrat-und PBSM-(Pflanzenschutz-und Behandlungsmittel) Entfernung in der Trinkwasseraufbereitung. Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Wasserversorgung. 16. Trinkwasserkolloquium. Hg. v. München: Oldenbourg Industrieverlag, 2002.
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