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Core Values and Decision-Making for Sustainable Business

Verkuil, A.H. (2024)

zu Core Values and Decision-Making for Sustainable Business

Die getLaunched Startup Formel

Meyer, R. (2024)

zu Die getLaunched Startup Formel

Start-up Cultures in Times of Global Crises

Verkuil, A.H. (2024)

zu Start-up Cultures in Times of Global Crises

New Trends in Business Information Systems and Technology

Kutzschenbach, M., & Daub, C.-H. (2021)

zu New Trends in Business Information Systems and Technology

International Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Uta Milow, Rolf-Dieter Reineke, Arie Hans Verkuil (2021)

zu International Entrepreneurship and Innovation


Verkuil, A.H., Meyer, R et al. (2020) (Hrsg.)

zu Start-ups

Publikationen und Präsentationen

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