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Forschungsseminar: Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Yong-Guan Zhu

ARBs and ARGs in the environment, Academician Prof. Dr. Yong-Guan Zhu, Director of the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

The microbiome contributes to ecosystem sustainability and human health through complex interactions between the physical environment and other organisms dwelling in that environment. Given the enormous diversity and functions performed by ecosystem microbiomes, in this presentation, Prof. Dr. Yong-Guan Zhu will use antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as an example to explore microbial connectivity across entire ecosystems. They find that both urban wastewater treatment plants and intensive animal farms are major sources of AMR pollution in the environment. Once anthropogenic AMR enters the environment, it can be spread through mass microbial movement within the ecosystem and transported through various pathways at regional and even global scales. He will highlight the application of single-cell methodologies for in situ analysis of AMR, specifically targeting the "distribution-diffusion-development" (3D) process of active antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB). Targeted single-cell sorting and metagenomics make it possible to pinpoint “who is doing what and how” in the most active ARB, and to track the physiological evolution of resistance and analyze the underlying genetic mechanisms. In summary, AMR within the ecosystem can be cycled between humans, animals, plants and the environment, and we should adopt the One Health framework in assessing microbial cycling.

Datum und Zeit

8.1.2025, 12:30–13:15 Uhr iCal


Campus Muttenz, Hörsaal 02.S.21

FHNW Campus Muttenz, Hofackerstrasse 30, 4132 Muttenz

Veranstaltet durch

Hochschule für Life Sciences

Hochschule für Life Sciences FHNW


Eintritt frei

Der Referent ist ein Gast von

Prof. Dr. Philippe Corvini
Prof. Dr. Philippe Corvini

Arbeitsgruppenleiter und Dozent, Umweltbiotechnologie

Telefon +41 61 228 54 85 (Direkt)


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