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11.11.2022 | Hochschule für Life Sciences, Institut für Chemie und Bioanalytik

Students participate in leading Swiss Symposium in Point-of-Care-Diagnostics

It was a roaring success - the 5th Swiss Symposium on Point-of-Care-Diagnostics that we were honored to host here at FHNW Campus Muttenz a few days ago. Not only did the event provide academic researchers, industry and clinicians a chance to connect – it was also an incredible opportunity for FHNW School of Life Sciences students to gain insights into the latest trends and technologies at a leading national conference.

Leandra Zehnder and Titus Würmeling, two MSc students at the FHNW School of Life Sciences were live on site. “My personal highlight was Antonella Santuccione’s keynote speech on sex and gender differences in medical practice,” says bioanalytics student Leandra enthusiastically. “Antonella is a medical doctor and CEO of a non-profit organization called the Women’s Brain Project. In her talk she highlighted the fact that gender differences are often not captured in a standard male-oriented patient journey, pointing out that women respond differently to medical treatments than men and have different disease risks. A fact that doctors and the pharmaceutical industry have not taken into consideration up to now, with serious implications for women’s health. It was fascinating and inspiring to hear how Antonella finally shed light on such gender differences and adopts a patient-centric approach that encompasses sex and gender-tailored solutions. Her approach is amazing. I loved the richness, depth and inspiration the event gave me personally!”

Titus Wuermeling found it exciting to hear that rapid POC diagnostics have gained significant momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic era, propelling the development of new and better products for both physicians and patients. “I found it highly interesting to hear about a future in which rapid Point-of-Care-tests can be used to detect and triage stroke patients immediately in the ambulance, so that paramedics can start reperfusion therapies outside the hospital or bring the patient directly to a stroke center. This could save precious time and improve patient outcomes,” explains Titus. “And I was also amazed to learn about the positive impact of digitalization on POC diagnostics, for instance a fertility bracelet that provides data-driven support via artificial intelligence, which helps couples get pregnant faster."

Looking back on the event, Titus says: “It was a delight to immerse myself for a whole day in the latest research around POCD technologies and products, to listen to internationally acclaimed speakers on the topic, and to visit the exhibition, which featured innovative companies and start-ups dedicated to finding new products and technological solutions.  I have taken home a whole series of new impulses and ideas and am looking forward to delving into the fall semester with many new insights."

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