16.7.2024 | Hochschule für Musik Basel, Klassik
Laura Mota Pello gewinnt zwei Sonderpreise beim Concours Géza Anda
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Laura Mota Pello gewann den Hungarian Special Prize sowie den Hortense Anda Bursary Prize beim diesjährigen Concours Géza Anda in Zürich. Laura schloss im Sommer 2024 ihren Bachelor Musik in der Klasse von Claudio Martínez Mehner ab.

Taking part in this competition has not only given me the opportunity to play in front of musicians I deeply respect and admire, such as Martha Argerich and Robert Levin, but I have also learnt important values such as strength, consistency, perseverance and self-criticism. It was very demanding and exciting at the same time to prepare the huge amount of repertoire required in this competition. It was a very encouraging experience, which I hope will be the first of many to come.