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Fully automatized newborn screening for acylcarnitines, amino acids and steroids by LC-MS

A more secure and efficient screening technique for foracylcarnitines, amino acids and steroids in newborns.

In Switzerland, 84’000 newborns are screened by dried blood spot analysis for innate errors every year [1-3]. However, traditional methods in this field are laborious as they are based on punching and offline extraction. Even more critically, sometimes sample confusion is caused electrostatic effects, which direct punched samples into the wrong tube or well. A method using steroids, acylcarnitines and amino acid based on the DBS-500 is presented here.

Research by: Christian Berchtold[1], Irene Wegner[1], Stefan Gaugler[2], Tamara von Däniken[3], Markus Wyss[2], Ralph Fingerhut[3], Götz Schlotterbeck[1]

[1] University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Life Sciences, Institute of Chemistry and Bioanalytics, 4132 Muttenz, Switzerland
[2] CAMAG Chemie-Erzeugnisse & Adsorptionstechnik AG, Sonnenmattstrasse 11, 4132 Muttenz, Switzerland
[3] University Children`s Hospital, Children’s Research Center, Swiss Newborn Screening Laboratory Steinwiesstrasse 75, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland

Institut für Chemie und Bioanalytik

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Life Sciences Institut für Chemie und Bioanalytik Hofackerstrasse 30 4132 Muttenz
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