Online Studientag: Mittelalterliche Saiteninstrumente - Das Robert at Huw Manuscript (London, B.M. Add. MS 14905), 06. März 2021, 10.00-18.00 Uhr
Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Lage findet der Vortrag via ZOOM online statt. Die Zugangsdaten erhalten Sie kurz vor der Veranstaltung per Mail. Bitte melden Sie sich dazu bis spätestens 05. März 2021 an über die Veranstaltungsseite der Musik-Akademie Basel
10.00-11.00 Introduction and Context
- historical context for the MS
- overview of the repertoire as high-art music for a cultured, educated audience, with connections to highly complex poetry
- discussion of medieval Welsh harps and crwths
- page-by-page description of the MS
- understanding the tablature and introduction to playing the figuration
11.30-13.00 Practical Playing
- tools for learning to play from the tablature
- use of Bill Taylor’s Sources for Fingernail Harp Technique booklet
- Welsh terms used in the inscriptions (i.e. bis, diwedd, fordd, etc.)
- practical playing for harps, using selections from Kaniad ystafell (p. 38-41) and Kaniad Suwsana (p. 54-55)
14.30-16.00 Varieties of Expression
- summary of the different forms within the repertoire -- kaniad, gosteg, marwnad, profiad, clymau, etc.
- the measures of music
- compositional techniques – cainc, diwedd, D.S./D.C. using the mark and the cross
- rhetorical use of the figures
- tunings and temperaments
- application to poetry
16.30-18.00 Interpretation on Harps and Other Instruments
- practical playing for harps, continued
- interpretation of workshop pieces on crwth, fiddle and lute
- summary and conclusion
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