Prof. Dr. Andreas Hinz
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hinz
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
- Programmleiter Swiss-Asian MBA
- Programmleiter MBA-MCI, Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam
- Dozent
- Entrepreneurship
- Geschäftsmodell-Innovation
- Startup Inkubation
- Startup Wettbewerbe in der Schweiz und in Asien
- Digitale Transformation
Swiss-Asian MBA
- Digital Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
MBA Brugg-Windisch / Basel
- Management
- Volkswirtschaftslehre
- Digital Transformation
Bachelor in Business Administration (International Management)
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Management
- Startup Inkubatoren für Geflüchtete
- Digitalisierung und Smart Service Portale öffentlicher Organisationen
- In-Vitro Diagnostik / E-Health
- Internationale Strategien
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Verkuil, A. H., Hinz, A., Milow, U., & Al-Kilani, M. (2024). Introductory chapter. Prospects for sustainable business development. In A. H. Verkuil (Ed.), Start-up cultures in times of global crises. sustainable and innovative approaches (pp. 1–9). Springer Cham.
Schulte, V., & Hinz, A. (2024). Emigration and start-up setting. New Russian and Ukranian intelligentsia in a historical perspective. In A. H. Verkuil (Ed.), Start-up cultures in times of global crises. Sustainable and innovative approaches (pp. 129–144). Springer Cham.
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., Nido, M., & Hell, B. (2023). Start-up incubators for refugees: Applying psychological methods to increase chances of entrepreneurial success. In F. Moreira & S. Jayantilal (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Vol. 1, pp. 375–383). Academic Conferences International Limited.
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., Philippi, S., & Kabous, L. (2023). How applying the lean start-up methodology can affect business model innovation. In F. Moreira & S. Jayantilal (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE) (Vol. 1, pp. 384–391). Universidade Portucalense.
Peer-reviewedPhilippi, S., Kabous, L., & Hinz, A. (2023). Effectuation and lean startup in Swiss start-ups. An integrative analysis. In F. Moreira & S. Jayantilal (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Vol. 2, pp. 730–738).
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., Nido, M., & Hell, B. (2023). Start-up incubators for refugees. Applying psychological methods to increase chances of entrepreneurial success. In F. Moreira & S. Jayantilal (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE) (Vol. 1, pp. 375–383). Universidade Portucalense.
Peer-reviewedKabous, L., Hinz, A., & Philippi, S. (2023). Linking effectuation logic with business model innovation. An investigation in the context of Swiss startups. In F. Moreira & S. Jayantilal (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Vol. 1, pp. 435–443).
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Meyer, R. (2022). Creating social impact with startup incubator programs for refugees. Using social entrepreneurship to accelerate integration. In L. Michelini, A. Minà, & P. Alaimo Di Loro (Eds.), Sustainable business model challenges. Economic recovery and digital transformation (pp. 223–227). LUMSA University.
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., & Daub, C.-H. (2022). Start-up incubators for refugees. How to develop and deploy entrepreneurial skills to generate impact. In P. Sklias & N. Apostolopoulos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Innovationand Entrepreneurship ECIE 2022 (Vol. 17, pp. 713–716). Academic Conferences International Limited.
Peer-reviewedKabous, L., Hinz, A., & Philippi, S. (2022). Linking effectuation logic with business model innovation in the context of Swiss start-ups. In P. Sklias & N. Apostolopoulos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th European conference on innovation and entrepreneurship (Vol. 1, pp. 717–720). Academic Conferences International Limited.
Peer-reviewedPhilippi, S., Hinz, A., & Kabous, L. (2022). How Swiss start-ups deal with business model innovation. In P. Sklias & N. Apostolopoulos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th European conference on innovation and entrepreneurship (Vol. 17, pp. 408–415). Academic Conferences International Limited.
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., Minder, C., Schnider, M., & Schulte, V. (2022). How smart service portals trigger social action to reduce energy consumption. Sustainable Business Model Challenges. Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation, 257–262.
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., Philippi, S., & Kabous, L. (2022). Effectuation in practice. How is it embedded in innovation-driven start-ups? In P. Sklias & N. Apostolopoulos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th European conference on innovation and entrepreneurship (Vol. 1, pp. 709–712). Academic Conferences International Limited.
Eisenbart, B., & Hinz, A. (2019). Effectuation und Lean Startup Methode - Analyserahmen und empirische Überprüfung anhand eines E-Healthcare Systems. In A. H. Verkuil, K. Hinkelmann, & M. Aeschbacher (eds.), Digitalisierung und andere Innovationsformen im Management (pp. 177–200). edition gesowip.
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., & Eisenbart, B. (2019). Connecting the dots. Effectuation and lean startup. In P. F. Belgiawan, L. Mayangsari, M. Wasesa, N. A. Windasari, A. Wulansari, A. Aprianingsih, & F. Aprilianty (Eds.), Proceeding book of The 4th international Conference on Management in Emerging Markets (ICMEM) 2019 and The 11th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IICIES).
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., & Philippi, S. (2018). The link between self-efficacy and effectuation. What do entrepreneurs think? 8th Annual International Conference on Business & Economics (CBE 2018). 8th Annual International Conference on Business & Economics.
Reineke, R.-D., & Hinz, A. (2018). Agile Internationalisierung. In A. H. Verkuil, B. Hell, R. Kirchhofer, & M. Aeschbacher (eds.), Gründung, Innovation, Nachfolge (pp. 165–192). edition gesowip.
Peer-reviewedHinz, A. (2016). Entrepreneurial behaviour revisited: Linking self-efficacy with effectuation. In B. Institut Teknologi (Ed.), International Conference of Management in Emerging Markets.
Peer-reviewedReineke, R.-D., & Hinz, A. (2016). Agile Internationalisation. In M. Universiti Teknologi (Ed.), International Conference on Innovation in Business and Strategy.
Peer-reviewedSchrettle, S., Hinz, A., Scherrer-Rathje, M., & Friedli, T. (2013). Turning sustainability into action: Explaining firms’ sustainability efforts and their impact on firm performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 147, 73–84.
Hinz, A. (2012). Knowledge management as a requirement for successful sustainability management. Universität St. Gallen.
Skorna, A., & Hinz, A. (2011, March 31). Warentransport ist risikoreich - Logistikprozesse werden in einer multipolaren Welt zum Balanceakt. Mit intelligenten Technologien lassen sich die Risiken minimieren. IO New Management, 80(4), 22–27.
Peer-reviewedSkorna, A., Bode, C., & Hinz, A. (2011). Prävention von Transportschäden durch den Einsatz von Sensor-Telematik-Systemen aus der Versicherungsperspektive. In University of Bamberg Press (ed.), Logistikmanagement 2011 (LM11).
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., Scherrer-Rathje, M., & Neumann, M. (2011). Achieving competitive advantage by addressing the dimensions of eco-sustainability and innovation in manufacturing processes. In EurOMA (Ed.), 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference 2011.
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., Boks, C., Scherrer-Rathje, M., Skorna, A., & Schneider, A. (2011). Making use of dynamic capabilities to address the sustainability challenge. In APMS (Ed.), International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS).
Peer-reviewedSchrettle, S., Hinz, A., Scherrer-Rathje, M., & Friedli, T. (2011). The Impact Of Sustainability Drivers On A Firms’ Strategic Decisions Regarding Manufacturing Technologies, New Product Development And Supplychain Initiatives. In ICPR (Ed.), ICPR 21st International Conference on Production Research 2011.
Peer-reviewedSkorna, A., & Hinz, A. (2011). Loss Prevention in Transportation to Ensure Product Quality. Insights from the Cargo Insurance Sector. In APMS (Ed.), International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS).
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., Scherrer-Rathje, M., & Gütter, S. (2011). Using Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD) as an organisational learning tool to raise management awareness of the eco-sustainability challenge and to facilitate operational problem solving. In EurOMA (Ed.), 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference 2011.
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Peer-reviewedKabous, L., Hinz, A., & Philippi, S. (2022). Linking effectuation logic with business model innovation in the context of Swiss startups. 17th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE 2022).
Peer-reviewedHinz, A., & Philippi, S. (2018). Business model innovation in Switzerland. The unused potential. In 8th Annual International Conference on Business & Economics (CBE 2018). 8th Annual International Conference on Business & Economics (CBE 2018).
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hinz
- Dozent, Institut für Unternehmensführung
- Telefonnummer
- +41 56 202 79 39 (Direkt)
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- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Wirtschaft
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Windisch
FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Bahnhofstrasse 6
5210 Windisch
- Telefon
- +41 56 202 77 00
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