Dr. Anna Caroni
Dr. Anna Caroni
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
- Dozentin in Financial Reporting & Controlling, Business Analytics
- Dozentin Kostenrechnung & Betreuung Bachelorarbeiten, Universität Basel
- Junior Assistant Auditor
- Financial Reporting & Controlling
- Business Analytics
- Management Accounting
- Integrationsmodul
- Betreuung von Research Papers, Projektarbeiten und Bachelorarbeiten
- Vertragstheorie
- Informationsökonomie
- Management Accounting
- Financial Accounting
- Mikroökonomie
- Studentisches Engagement und Lernen in der Wirtschaftsausbildung
- Caroni, A., Nikoulina, A., & Staley, L. (2020, September 3-4). Analysis of factors contributing to student engagement. [Paper Presentation]. CARF: Wissenschaftliche Konferenz für praxisorientierte Forschung und Lehre, Luzern, Switzerland.
- Caroni, A. (2019). Three Papers on Information Economics and Management Accounting. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Basel]. University of Basel, Faculty of Business and Economics
- Caroni, A., & Dzambazoska, F. (2017). Sequential Information Acquisition in a Team (Discussion Paper No. 17-23). Hohenheim: German Economic Association of Business Administration – GEABA.
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Peer-reviewedNikoulina, A., & Caroni, A. (2024). Familiarity, use, and perception of AI-powered tools in higher education. In V. Dermol (Ed.), Artificial intelligence for human-technologies-economy sustainable development. Proceedings of the Makelearn, TIIM & PIConf international conference (p. 18). ToKnowPress. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-11092
Peer-reviewedCaroni, A., & Nikoulina, A. (2021). Problem-based learning In online settings during COVID-19. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 10, 21–30. https://doi.org/10.53615/2232-5697.10.21-30
Caroni, A. (2019). Three papers on information economics and management accounting [Universität Basel]. https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/42486
Dr. Anna Caroni
- Dozentin
- Telefonnummer
- +41 62 957 24 09 (Direkt)
- YW5uYS5jYXJvbmlAZmhudy5jaA==
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Wirtschaft
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten