Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berndt Joost
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berndt Joost
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
- Dozent Pharmatechnologie
- Professor of Pharmaceutical Process Engineering and group leader
Bachelor Level
Dozent und Modulkoordinator
- Partikeltechnik I
- Partikeltechnik II
- Partikeltechnik (Praktikum)
- Anlagenplanung und Anlagentechnik
- Automatisierung von Prozessanlagen (Praktikum)
- Projektmanagement (Workshop)
- Produktionssteuerung und –planung
- Strömungslehre
- Grundlagen Elektrotechnik
- Industrielle Automatisierungssysteme
Master Level
Lecturer and module coordinator
- Continuous Pharma Production
- Pharmaceutical Production Facilities
- General aspects, containments, cleaning
- Facility Management
- HVAC Systems for Cleanrooms
Betreuung von
- Studierenden Projekten
- Bachelor Thesen
- Master Thesen
Berndt Joost is since 2008 professor of pharmaceutical process engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). He is directing a research group in the area of particle engineering with particular attention to nanomilling, (hot melt) extrusion, and spray drying. Furthermore, production related projects with focus on process optimization are executed.
Prior to his assignment at the FHNW Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology Berndt Joost was four years at the Institute for Particle Technology (iPAT) at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, as senior engineer and deputy director. His research activities focussed there already on the processing of nano-particles.
Before his academic assignments Berndt Joost spent almost 12 years in the industry. At Bayer AG, Uerdingen, Germany as process engineer, at Salzgitter Anlagenbau GmbH (plant engineering) where he holds several positions; last position Project Manager for design, procurement, and construction of an LDPE production plant in France. Subsequently he ran his own consulting business in the field of contract administration and project management.
Berndt Joost graduated from the Technical University Braunschweig, Germany in 1987 in Mechanical Engineering with focus on Mechanical Process Engineering. After 2 years professional experience he returned to University and earned his PhD in 1994 in the field of nano-milling in the group of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Schwedes. He gathered intercultural experience in Japan, the US and France.
He is member of the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI), and ProcessNet.
- Simkova, K., Joost, B., Imanidis, G. (2016). On Production of fast-Dissolving low-Density Powders for Deep Lung Deposition by Spray Drying of a nano-Suspension. Talk. GPEN, Lawrence, Kansas US, 09.-12.11.2016
- Zaugg, B.J., Joost, B. (2016). Hot Melt Extrusion: Influence of Operating Parameters and Screw Geometry on Residence Time Distribution and Product's Crystallinity. Poster. Formula VIII, Barcelona E, 4.-7.07.2016
- Simkova, K., Hermann, A., Joost, B. (2015). Pulmonary Application of nano-Sized Drug Substances. Poster. ESCC, Proc. 14th Europ. Symp. on Comminution a. Classification, Gothenburg S, 7.-11.09.2015
- B. J. Zaugg, B.J., Kircher, W., Joost, B. (2015). Cooling of Pharmaceutical Hot Melts with a Rotary Drum Cooler. School of Life Sciences FHNW CH, Research Report 2013/14
- Simkova, K., Hermann, A., Joost, B. (2014) Engineered Spray-Dried nano-Suspension of Budesonide with enhanced Fine Particle Fraction and Dissolution Rate. Poster. Drug Delivery to the Lungs 25, Edinburgh, UK, 10.-12.12.2014. Conf. paper in J. of Aerosol Med. & Pulmonary Drug Delivery 28(4), Dec. 2014
- Zaugg, B.J., Joost, B., Kircher, W. , Joost, B. (2014). Cooling of Hot Melt Extrudates with a Rotary Drum Cooler/Chill Roll. Poster. aaps annual meeting, San Diego US, 2.-6.11.2014
- Simkova, K., Hermann, A., Joost, B. (2014). Production of Microparticles Containing nano-Sized Drug Substance for Pulmonary Application. Swiss Pharma Science Day, Bern, 20.08.2014
- Joost, B. (2014) Cooling of Hot Melt Extrudates with a Rotary Drum Cooler. Talk. 16th Int. Workshop on Phys. Characterization of Pharma. Solids, Prague CZ, 16 .-19.06.2014
- Simkova, K., Joost, B. (2014). Development of Engineered Nano-Particle-Containing Microparticles for Lung Targeting. 9th PBP World Meeting 2014, Lisbon P, 31.03.-03.04.2014
- Zaugg, B.J., Joost, B., Kircher, W., Kirchhofer, U. (2014). Influence of Cooling Conditions on Drug Substance Crystallinity in Hot Melt Extrudates and its Online-Measurement on a Rotary Drum Cooler. Poster. 9th PBP World Meeting 2014, Lisbon P, 31.03.-3.04.2014
- Zaugg, B.J., Amrein, M., Kirchhofer, U., Kircher, W., Joost, B. (2013). Online Measurement of Drug Substance Crystallinity during Hot Melt Extrusion and subsequent Cooling with a Rotary Drum Cooler. Poster. aaps annual meeting 2013, San Antonio US, 10.-14.11.2013
- Simkova, K., Schirmbeck, M., Hoxha, F., Joost, B. (2013). Solidified nano-Suspensions of Poorly Water-Soluble Drug Substances for Enhanced Dissolution Rate. Poster. 13th Europ. Symp. Comminution & Classification, Braunschweig D, 09.-12.09.2013
- Studer. M., Hilber, D., Joost, B. (2013). A novel Type of Stirred Bead Mill (Nanomill) for the Size Reduction of Liposomes. Poster. 13th Europ. Symp. Comminution & Classification, Braunschweig D, 09.-12.09.2013
- Simkova, K., Kabisch, A., Joost, B. (2013). Spray Drying of nano-Suspensions: An Optimization Through Design of Experiments. Poster. 6th Swiss Pharma Science day, Berne CH, 28.08.2013
- Studer M.; Joost, B. (2013). Size Reduction of Liposomes with a Novel Type of Stirred Bead Mill. (Nanomill) School of Life Sciences FHNW CH, Research Report 2011/12
- Joost, B.; Studer M. (2012). Production of Drug loaded Liposomes with a novel Stirred Bead Mill. Talk. ACHEMA 2012, Frankfurt D, 18.–22.06.2012
- Joost, B. (2012). Processing of Pharmaceutical Dispersions with Drug Substances of low Solubility. Poster. Talk. NanoFormulation2012, Barcelona E, 28.05.–1.06.2012
- Studer, M., Joost, B. (2012). Production of Liposomes with a Stirred Bead Mill. Poster. 8th PBP World Meeting, Istanbul TR, 19.-22.03.2012
- Hug, P., Lang, F.R., Joost, B. (2012). Rührwerkskugelmühle. Intern. Patent. WO2012123347 A2, 09.03.2012
- Joost, B., Pröschel, B., Werani, J. (2011). Operational Excellence (OPEX) in der pharmazeutischen Industrie: Lernfabriken schaffen das ideale Trainingsumfeld. SWISS PHARMA 33 (2011) Nr. 1-2
- Joost, B., Schwedes, J. (1996). Comminution of White Fused Alumina and Wear of Grinding Beads in Stirred Media Mills. Part 1. Effect of Grinding Chamber Geometry and Hardness of Grinding Beads on Grinding Result. cfi/Ber. DKG 73 (1996) 6
- Joost, B., Schwedes, J. (1996). Comminution of White Fused Alumina and Wear of Grinding Beads in Stirred Media Mills. Part 2. Effect of Operational Parameters, Grinding Chamber Geometry and Hardness of Grinding Beads on Wear of Grinding Beads. cfi/Ber. DKG 73 (1996) 7/8
- Joost, B., Schwedes, J. (1996). Verschleiß bei der Zerkleinerung in Rührwerkskugelmühlen. Chem. Ing. Techn. 68 (1996) 5
- Joost, B. (1994). Zerkleinerung von Schmelzkorund und Mahlkörperverschleiß in Rührwerkskugelmühlen. Dissertation TU Braunschweig, 1994
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berndt Joost
- Dozent Pharmatechnologie
- Telefonnummer
- +41 61 228 55 58 (Direkt)
- YmVybmR0Lmpvb3N0QGZobncuY2g=
- Hochschule für Life Sciences FHNW
Institut für Pharma Technology
Hofackerstrasse 30
4132 Muttenz
Institut für Pharma Technology
- Telefon
- +41 61 228 56 36
- Z2Vvcmdpb3MuaW1hbmlkaXNAZmhudy5jaA==