Dr. Claudio Giovanoli
Dr. Claudio Giovanoli
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Peer-reviewedAsprion, P., Giovanoli, C., Scherb, C., & Bhat, S. (2023). Agile management in cybersecurity. In A. Gerber & K. Hinkelmann (Eds.), Proceedings of Society 5.0 Conference 2023 (pp. 21–32). https://doi.org/10.29007/9fg8
Peer-reviewedGatziu Grivas, S., Giovanoli, C., Grasshoff, G., & Imhof, D. (2022). Platform-based strategic consulting for digital transformation. In K. Hinkelmann & A. Gerber (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society 5.0 Conference 2022 - Integrating digital world and real world to resolve challenges in business and society (pp. 38–49). https://doi.org/10.29007/4pgg
Peer-reviewedHofer, E. L., Gatziu Grivas, S., & Giovanoli, C. (2021). Cloud advisor bot: towards a chatbot to enable efficient cloud assessments. IIAI-AAI 2021. 2021 10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics. Proceedings, 643–648. https://doi.org/10.1109/iiai-aai53430.2021.00115
Peer-reviewedGiovanoli, C. (2019). Cloud service quality model: a cloud service quality model based on customer and provider perceptions for cloud service mediation. In V. Méndez Muñoz, D. Ferguson, M. Helfert, & C. Pahl (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (Vol. 1, pp. 241–248). https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/42561
Gatziu Grivas, S., Giovanoli, C., & Graf, M. (2017). Cloud Services aus einer Hand. Unternehmer Zeitung, 6, 30–31. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-1136
Gatziu Grivas, S., Giovanoli, C., & Grand, S. (2016, September 22). Komplett in den Wolken. Unternehmer Zeitung, 10, 40–41. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-831
Peer-reviewedGiovanoli, C. (2016). Cloud service mediation through brokerage service. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2016) (pp. 9–13). SciTePress. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/24919
Giovanoli, C., & Gatziu Grivas, S. (2016). Die Cloud wird erwachsen. Wirtschaftsflash, 37(2), 36–37. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/24924
Peer-reviewedGatziu Grivas, S., Schuerch, R., & Giovanoli, C. (2016). How cloud will transform the retail banking industry. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016), 1, 302–309. https://doi.org/10.5220/0005910903020309
Peer-reviewedGiovanoli, C., Gatziu Grivas, S., & Kessler, F. (2016). Instruments for Cloud Suppliers to Accelerate their Businesses. In ThinkMind (Ed.), Cloud Computing 2016 : The Seventh International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (pp. 76–80). ThinkMind. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/24920
Gatziu Grivas, S., & Giovanoli, C. (2015, November 12). KMU für die digitale Welt fit machen: Cloud Computing. Wie die «Wolke» das Unternehmen von morgen transformiert. Handelszeitung, 46, 51. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-159
Gatziu Grivas, S., & Giovanoli, C. (2015, June 15). IT-Management und der Einsatz von Cloud Computing. topsoft Magazin, 30–31. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/8879
Giovanoli, C., Gatziu Grivas, S., & Lammel, B. (2015, March 31). Der Weg in die Cloud. Einfach gemacht. Unternehmer Zeitung, 2015(4), 46–47. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-2871
Peer-reviewedBieber, K. M., Gatziu Grivas, S., & Giovanoli, C. (2015). Cloud computing business case framework. ES 2015, Third International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Basel, October 2015, 161–168. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/10153
Peer-reviewedGiovanoli, C., Gatziu Grivas, S., Schaaf, M., Astrova, I., & Koschel, A. (2015). Cloud service lifecycle for small and medium-sized enterprises. In IEEE (Ed.), 2015 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2015) : London, United Kingdom, 9-11 November 2015 (pp. 51–52). IEEE. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/24922
Peer-reviewedColicchio, C., Giovanoli, C., & Gatziu Grivas, S. (2015). A Cloud Readiness Assessment Framework. ES 2015, Third International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Basel, October 2015. Third International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES 2015). http://hdl.handle.net/11654/8227
Kessler, F., Gatziu Grivas, S., & Giovanoli, C. (2015). Disruption im Cloud-Markt. Unternehmer Zeitung, 12, 38–39. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-181
Peer-reviewedGiovanoli, C., & Gatziu Grivas, S. (2015). Zertifizierungen als Richtungsweiser. IT Security. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/10152
Gatziu Grivas, S., Giovanoli, C., & Lammel, B. (2014, June 2). Cloud Compupting - Regierungsprojekt als Wegbereiter. Unternehmer Zeitung, 2014, 34–35. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-2940
Peer-reviewedGiovanoli, C., Pulikal, P., & Gatziu Grivas, S. (2014). E-Marketplace for Cloud Services. In R. a. I. A. (. International Academy (Ed.), Cloud Computing 2014. The Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization. Mai 25-29, 2014, Venice, Italy. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/8226
Gatziu Grivas, S., & Giovanoli, C. (2013, July 29). Rechnen in der Wolke. Unternehmer Zeitung, 37. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-3003
Peer-reviewedGiovanoli, C., & Gatziu Grivas, S. (2013, May 27). Community Clouds - A Centralized Approach. The Fourth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDS, and Virtualization, CLOUD COMPUTING 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/9488
Peer-reviewedGiovanoli, C., & Gatziu Grivas, S. (2013, May 8). Building a Knowledge Base for Guiding Users through the Cloud Life Cycle. 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science, CLOSER 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/8945
Gatziu Grivas, S., & Giovanoli, C. (2012, December 1). Cloud Computing. Die grössten Herausforderungen. Unternehmer Zeitung, 2012, 40–41. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-3189
Gollenia, L. A., Uhl, A., & Giovanoli, C. (2012, April 15). Next Generation IT Strategy Approaching the Digital Enterprise. 360° the Business Transformation Journal, 2012, 32–49. http://hdl.handle.net/11654/9341
Gatziu Grivas, S., & Giovanoli, C. (2012, February 29). Gleichheit in der Wolke. Unternehmer Zeitung, 2012, 44–45. https://doi.org/10.26041/fhnw-3165
Dr. Claudio Giovanoli
- Dozent, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Telefonnummer
- +41 62 957 22 81 (Direkt)
- Y2xhdWRpby5naW92YW5vbGlAZmhudy5jaA==
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Wirtschaft
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten