Salome Schenk, MA
Salome Schenk, MA
Vereinbarkeit von Erwerbstätigkeit und Pflege älterer Angehöriger
Publikationen & Projekte
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Peer-reviewedGeisen, T., Krajic, K., Nideröst, S., Mairhuber, I., Dötig, C., Altherr, A., Schenk, S., & Schweighoffer, R. (2024). The relevance of the workplace for combining employment and informal care for the aged. Results of a systematic literature review. International Journal of Care and Caring, 8(3), 527–552.
Peer-reviewedGeisen, T., Krajic, K., Nideröst, S., Mairhuber, I., Dötig, C., Altherr, A., Schenk, S., & Schweighoffer, R. (2023). The relevance of the workplace for combining employment and informal care for older adults: results of a systematic literature review. International Journal of Care and Caring, 1–26.
Peer-reviewedGeisen, T., Krajic, K., Nideröst, S., Mairhuber, I., Dötig, C., Altherr, A., Schenk, S., & Schweighoffer, R. (2023). The relevance of the workplace for combining employment and informal care for older adults: results of a systematic literature review. International Journal of Care and Caring, 1–26.
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Peer-reviewedGeisen, T., Nideröst, S., Altherr, A., Schenk, S., Schweighoffer, R., Dötig, C., Krajic, K., Ingrid Mairhuber, F. W., & Quehenberger, V. (2022). Combing employment with informal care for the aged: New challenges for corporate social work to inclusion. European Conference on Social Work Research (ECSWR).
Peer-reviewedGeisen, T., Nideröst, S., Altherr, A., Schenk, S., & Schweighoffer, R. (2022). The nexus of organizational, welfare state, and household elements in combining employment with informal care for the aged. 7th International Conference Work and Health.
Salome Schenk, MA
- Doktorandin, Institut Integration und Partizipation, Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW
- Telefonnummer
- +41 62 957 27 39 (Direkt)