Prof. Dr. Silvia Mastellone
Prof. Dr. Silvia Mastellone
Tätigkeit an der FHNW
Dozentin für Signalverarbeitung am Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik FHNW
- Signale und Systeme
- Zeitdiskrete Systeme
- Automation Labor 1
- Automation Labor 2
- Regelung für Leistungselektronik, elektromechanische Systeme, Systeme erneuerbarer Energie (Wind und PV-Solarenergie), Mikronetze, Traktionssysteme und Robotik
- Systemmodellierung, Regelung, Schätztheorie und Identifizierung: lineare, nicht lineare und Schaltsysteme
- Regelung und Signalverarbeitung für Systeme mit Zeitverzögerung und Kommunikationseinschränkungen
Leitende Wissenschaftlerin, Konzernforschungszentrum, ABB Schweiz
Wissenschaftlerin, Konzernforschungszentrum, ABB Schweiz
Gastwissenschaftlerin, PARC Xerox Innovation Group, USA
Forschungsassistentin, Coordinated Science Laboratory UIUC and UNM, USA
Systemingenieurin Alenia-Marconi, Italien
Ph.D. in Systems and Entrepreneurial Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA
Spezialisierung: Regelungstechnik, Robotersysteme und angewandte Mathematik
M.S. in Electrical Engineering
University of New Mexico (UNM), USA
Spezialisierung: Dynamische Systeme, Regelung und Signalverarbeitung
Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica
Dipartimento di Informatica e Automazione, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italien
- Applied Math Travel Award: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006
- College of Engineering Travel Award: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006
- Best Presentation Award: American Control Conference, 2006
- Tau-Beta-Pi: Honorary membership since January 2006
- Distinction: Master Thesis, University of New Mexico, 2004
- Technologieexperte: IKT der Zukunft für die Österreichische FFG (Forschungsforderungsgesellschaft)
- Aktives Mitglied: IFAC Industry Committee
- Mitvorsitzendes und aktives Mitglied: ABB Organisation Kaderfrauen in der Schweiz (2104-2106)
- Vorsitzende und Organisatorin: ABB Workshop on Stability of the Power Chain, Baden, 2014
- Mitherausgeberin: IEEE European Control Conference, 2013-2014
- Mitorganisatorin und Mitvorsitzende: Symposium on Control and Modeling of Alternative Energy Systems, UIUC, 2009
Patente, Publikationen und Vorträge
- [P1] ``Recovery solutions for potential induced degradation in PV panels", 2017.
- [P2] ``Optimization based control for ancillary service in PV converters," 2016.
- [P3] ``Anti-islanding protection based on grid impedance and voltage estimation", 2016- EP 16164471.1
- [P4] ``DC/AC converter comprising control means for inrush current protection," 2015.- EP 15202616.7
- [P5] ``Active damping control of an electrical converter with a resonant output filter," 2014.- WO2015155183
- [P6] ``Networked control of a modular multi-level converter, 2013. - EP2905884
- [P7] ``Control of an electrical modular multilevel converter with different sample rates" , 2013.- EP2908424
- [P8] ``Control system for a converter and method for controlling the converter ," 2010.- WO 2014090886 A3
- [P9] ``Method for controlling harmonics and resonances in an inverter ," 2010.- WO 2013010778 A1
- [P10] ``Sheet registration using input-state linearization in a media handling assembly," 2009.- US 8376357
- [1] ``Interaction and Configuration Control for Networks of Dynamical Systems´´, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2008.
- [2] ``Finite time stability of networked control systems´´ M.S. Thesis, University of New Mexico, May 2004.
- [J1] G.S. Ledva, E. Vrettos, S. Mastellone, G. Andersson and J. L. Mathieu, ``Residential Load Control with Communications Delays and Constraints," Transaction on Power Systems, 2016.
- [J2] S. Mastellone, D. M. Stipanovic and M. W. Spong, ``Systems with Switching Equilibria: Modeling, Control and Applications," Automatica, 2016, In Vorbereitung.
- [J3] S. Mastellone and M. W. Spong, ``A signal reconstruction approach for control systems with unknown time-varying delays," Systems and Control Letters, 2013.
- [J4] S. Mastellone, D. M. Stipanovic and M. W. Spong, ``Formation Control and Coordinated Tracking via Asymptotic Decoupling for Lagrangian Multi-agent Systems," Automatica, 2011.
- [J5] T. Geyer and S. Mastellone, ``Model Predictive Direct Torque Control of a Five- Level ANPC Converter Drive System, " Transactions on Industry Applications, 2011.
- [J6] S. Mastellone, D. M. Stipanovic, C. R. Graunke, K. A. Intlekofer, and M. W. Spong, ``Formation Control and Collision Avoidance for Multi-agent Nonholonomic Systems: Theory and Experiments," International Journal of Robotic Research, 2010.
- [J7] S. Mastellone, Peter Dorato, Chaouki T. Abdallah ``Finite-Time Stability for Nonlinear Networked Control Systems" In Current Trends in Nonlinear Systems and Control In Honor of Petar Kokotovic and Turi Nicosia, Spring-Verlag, 2006.
- [J8] P. F. Hokayem, S. Mastellone, and C. T. Abdallah, "Nonlinear Systems Stability via Random and Quasi- Random Methods," in edited volume Probabilistic and randomize methods for design under uncertainty, G. Calafiore and F. Dabbene Eds., Springer-Verlag, 2006.
- [J9] M. Mercangoez, S. Mastellone, et al. ``Damping torsional oscillations at the intersection of variable-speed drives and elastic mechanical systems T ," ABB Review Innovation Journal, 2016.
- [J10] A. Isaksson, S. Mastellone, ``Taming the Power Chain: How advanced control yields high availability and increased performance ," ABB Review Innovation Journal, 2015.
- [J11] P. Hokayem, S. Mastellone, ``Controlling Electrical Oscillations in MV Power Converters," ABB Review Innovation Journal, 2015.
- [J12] R. Ionutiu, S. Mastellone, ``Need for Speed: Real-Time Simulation for Power Electronics Traction Systems," ABB Review Innovation Journal, 2014.
- [J13] K. Barton, N. Jain, S. Mastellone, Y. Sharon, S. Sundaram ``Symposium on Control and Modeling of Alternative Energy Systems", Conference Report IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2010.
- [C1] P. Nahata, S. Mastellone, and F. Dörfler. `` A Decentralized Switched
System Approach to Overvoltage Prevention in PV Residential Microgrids".
IFAC World Congress, July 2017.
[3] P. Nahata, S. Mastellone, and F. Dörfler. `` Decentralized Optimal Projected - [C2] Control of PV Inverters in Residential Microgrids". IFAC World Congress, July 2017.
- [C3] G.S. Ledva, E. Vrettos, S. Mastellone, G. Andersson and J. L. Mathieu, `` Networked Estimation and Control in Demand Response," Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 2014.
- [C4] T. Geyer and S. Mastellone, ``Model Predictive Direct Torque Control of a Five-Level ANPC Converter Drive System," IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2011.
- [C5] S. Mastellone, G. Papafotiou, and E. Liakos, ``Model Predictive Direct Torque Control for MV Drives with LC Filters," IEEE Conference on Power Electronics, 2009.
- [C6] S. Mastellone `` Interaction And Configuration Control For Networks Of Dynamical Systems", UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2011.
- [C7] S. Mastellone, M.W. Spong; ``Stabilization of delayed linear systems via signal reconstruction", IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control 2008. - [C8] M. Tarayl and S. Mastellone `` 3DOF closed loop sheet alignment on nonholonomic printer differential drive registration device using input-state linearization ", IEEE American Control Conference 2010.
- [C9] M. Tarayl and S. Mastellone``3DOF registration on nonholonomic printer registration device using inputstate linearization ", in Proc. Xerox Innovation Conference 2009.
- [C10] S. Mastellone, D. M. Stipanovic and M. W. Spong, ``Stability and Convergence for Systems with Switching
Equilibria," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2007. - [C11] S. Mastellone, D. M. Stipanovic and M. W. Spong, ``Multi-Agents Formation Control and Trajectory Tracking via Singular Perturbation," IEEE International Conference on Control and Applications, 2007.
- [C12] S. Mastellone, C. R. Graunke, K. A. Intlekofer, and M. W. Spong, ``Formation control and collision avoidance for multi-agent nonholonomic systems," IEEE International Conference on Robotic and Automation, 2007.
- [C13] S. Mastellone, D. Lee and M. W. Spong, ``Master-Slave synchronization with switching communication topology," American Control Conference, 2006.
- [C14] S. Mastellone and C. T. Abdallah, ``Networked Control Systems and Communication Networks: Integrated Model and Stability Analysis," IFAC, 2005.
- [C15] S. Mastellone, C. T. Abdallah and P. Dorato, ``Model-based networked control for finite-time stability of nonlinear systems: The stochastic case," IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2005.
- [C16] S. Mastellone, C. T. Abdallah and P. Dorato, ``Model-based networked control for finite-time stability of nonlinear systems: The deterministic case," IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control and Mediterrean Conference on Control and Automation, 2005.
- [C17] S. Mastellone, C. T. Abdallah and P. Dorato, ``Model-based networked control for nonlinear systems with stochastic packet dropout," IEEE American Control Conference, 2005.
- [C18] S. Mastellone, C. T. Abdallah and P. Dorato, ``Finite-time stability analysis of discrete-time nonlinear networked control systems," IEEE American Control Conference, 2005.
- [C19] S. Mastellone, P.F. Hokayem, C. T. Abdallah and P. Dorato, ``Nonlinear stability analysis for non-polynomial systems," IEEE American Control Conference, 2004.
- [C20] S. Mastellone, P. Dorato and C. T. Abdallah, ``Finite-time stability of discrete-time nonlinear systems: analysis and design," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2004.
Prof. Dr. Silvia Mastellone
- Dozentin für Signalverarbeitung
- Telefonnummer
- +41 56 202 71 76 (Direkt)
- c2lsdmlhLm1hc3RlbGxvbmVAZmhudy5jaA==
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Technik und Umwelt
Klosterzelgstrasse 2
5210 Windisch