Module description
- Documentaries and Discussions (Elective)
Number |
ECTS | 2.0 |
Level | B2/C1 |
Overview | Documentaries exploring a wide range of themes are used as a springboard to initiate and develop discussions. This elective course focus-es on speaking skills and extending vocabulary knowledge enabling more effective communication with confidence. By drawing on and applying the language of these documentaries - both facts and opinions - students will improve their speaking skills. The valuable skill of relating information (retelling) is a cornerstone of this language learning elective along with vocabulary building activities which facilitate the transformation of words from the students' passive vocabulary to their active one. |
Learning objectives | Students can: |
Previous knowledge | Successful completion of module ten2 or a suitable level achieved in the incoming placement test (CEFR C1/C2). |
Exam format | Continuous assessment grade, weighting 100 % |
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