- Englisch 2 Level B1
Nummer |
Leitung | Catherine Shultis, Y2F0aGVyaW5lLnNodWx0aXNAZmhudy5jaA== |
ECTS | 0.0 |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Lernziele/Kompetenzen | Students will achieve a B2/C1 level (Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) after 4 semesters of English. This will enable students to fully participate academically or professionally in the field of architecture. Students will use digital resources and tools to promote self-study and a lifelong use of the English language. |
Lerninhalte | The four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as grammar and vocabulary will be revised and expanded upon. Reading and writing: students will improve their skills (at the sentence, paragraph and genre level) through a variety of technical and general English texts. They will produce a portfolio of written texts. Speaking and listening: students will increase their confidence and fluency in managing spoken discourse in a variety of contexts, while being exposed to native and non-native varieties of English. They will present to their peers. Grammar and vocabulary: students will develop their general English lexis while also learning technical terms related to architecture. Intermediate grammar will be revised and expanded upon. |
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse | G103.3 |
Bibliographie/Literatur | A Visual Dictionary of Architecture by Francis D.K. Ching, second edition (ISBN 978-0-470-64885-8). Plus other materials to be announced on the first day of class. |
Lehr- und Lernmethoden | Classes are organized around student-centered activities (pair and group work), lecturer-centered activities (lecture and presentation) and independent self-study. |
Leistungsbewertung | Tests and examinations, assessment of written and spoken work. Regular class attendance.E100 (Kursbewertung) |
Bemerkungen | Students with an advanced level of English may attend the alternative advanced English course (C1) |
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