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Module description - Communications Technology

ECTS 3.0
Level advanced
Overview The aim of communications technology is to transmit messages from point to point with as few errors as possible. To achieve this, a variety of problems must be solved. While the module "Communication Technology" deals with analog modulation methods, the concepts of information theory and error-correcting codes, digital modulation methods are dealt with in the module "Digital Communication".

Analog modulation methods:
  • amplitude modulation
  • angle modulation

  • Basic concepts of information theory:
  • entropy, information
  • channel capacity

  • Error-correcting codes:
  • linear block codes
  • cyclic codes
  • convolutional codes
  • Learning objectives

    • The students understand the basic principles and mathematical methods of analogue transmission technology.
    • The students can systematically analyze and evaluate existing transmission technology systems.
    • Their understanding goes to such an extent that they can inde-pendently familiarize themselves with new methods.
    • The students know the most important methods for error correction, can assess their advantages and disadvantages and are able to apply them.

    Previous knowledge

    • Digital Signal Processing - Fundamentals (dsvGL)
    • Communication Technology - Fundamentals (komGL)

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